Preamble — The Words of Jesus
Tired you are of walking and walking on the face of the
Earth, and not finding your Truth[1]…
not finding yourself. Many of you mourn:
you do not find the reason of things; you do not
comprehend the reason for the teaching
[of Jesus]; the reason of your Truth ; the reason of your
matter: of your flesh, and your mind.
Many of you do not find a path that is «just[2]» for yourself.
It is because you do not seek, where it is… where it lies.
Thus, there is something that does not allow you to see, nor
that. There is something that
changes things… distorts the
: a veil that is covered by death, by pain, by weeping.
Something that does not allow you , to Know Yourself, and
Be Yourself.
It is the veil of good and evil : the material flesh and mind.
They truly are that veil, that wraps you in shadows of
and does not allow you, to see the Greatness, that You Are
Travelers of times and ages, you have come to manifest –in your
material body,
with a unique mission and labor– what it is, to Be
what you were, are, and will be .
To manifest God’s Greatness, and Be what my Father
in the Eternal skies.
−You were conceived by my Father, to be Eternal,
Unique in the Creation
− you were formed with those gifts and powers… that
yourself , asked to my Father!
And growing in the Light you were; in that Light of
of grace, goodness, joy, happiness.
In that Eternal Ocean of Light, you grew, and lived
—Imagine, a perfect life in Light; with a perfect Father in
with a brotherhood… perfect in Light! —
However, seduced by darkness you were. Hence, you
took the fruit that gave you
a knowledge of good and evil. −By taking that particle of
your true body of light ,
was wrapped in a false body, of dust of the ground.
Its Truth went within; and deception, went to the
Your flesh and mind are the fruit of good and evil, as well as
the Creation
that my Father had: the entire universe, that you know, and see.
When you decide to take from this knowledge of good and
you come to this system of things, of good and evil
–where your mind is thinking good and evil; and your body
good and evil.
Therefore, the seduction, the deception, the lie… were welling
from all and each one of you –since the good and the evil, were
wrapping you.
So, you start to form ideas, beliefs, religions.
−You, little ones, start to hinder one another, and fall in
By forming the good and the evil… death is formed −forgetting
is death−
It is to «disappear» of the Truth , and of the «
Reality ».
By entering into this world, you forget all of what you
were .
You enter into a partial oblivion; because you are in good, and
For this reason, I have come to offer Myself to you , and
for you .
To teach you that my Father is Love, and that He is Perfect, in
−That it is not your matter the one, that is able to understand;
nor to return to God−
is your inner self, your Truth -the son of God; the star
that my Father has made in the skies
…and that by his free will, has come to the face of the Earth.
And I have come behind you ; to teach you the ways, to
return to your God.
—Because so certain, my Father was, that darkness would deceive
you; if someone
of the skies, did not come to show you the way back, to your
So right my Father was, that if We let you… you would
stray, and would fall into darkness—
So enourmous is my Father’s Love −and I, being His heart− that
have come to you ,
and we have given ourselves for you .
So, in this world of the Law, of Cause and Effect; in this Law
which you can not escape
−your price has been paid… with my
Little blessed ones, you have come to the cathedra of your God,
your Lord…
and you would truly listen, many things that at the beginning,
would confuse you.
But that will begin to awaken a Truth , that has no other
because the Truth is the same, no matter where you see
And neither your reasoning, nor your understanding, can defeat
… because this one, can not change.
In the life of the forms[3] of this third time, you have
lost sight
of your Truth …
and you have comprehended, what lie is. But Today, I come to
deliver you Light;
and to remove all the veils of your matter −for your Spirit to
and take from each heart, that makes oneself present on this
and in all the Creations
−because everyone, is only One… and One, in my Father, is
The Truth and sincerity have always been in you ;
and when you walk against them…
you walk against yourself. And when you do NOT manifest Light;
you manifest… what you are not.
Then the pain and the bitterness, are with you. Then, everything
turns into a deception,
a treason, a lie; and you walk wandering, falling and raising
−because you do not find your Truth . −You do not find
because you do NOT seek within you,
In those first and second times[4], the men and women of this
walked as slaves of darkness. Enchained[5] in the first period of
time, looking downwards,
where darkness made you see −towards the bottom of the abyss,
towards the sludge and the
pain. And still, it made you see,
your God of Light, of Love −that loves you− was a God that
punish you, submit you; and would hinder all action, that was not
an «apparent uprightness» in this world.
But since your flesh and mind can not be righteous in Light
were made to inhabit, this
world of good and evil− it made many
errors. So, darkness would enslave you further;
condemn you,
you; and turn you even more, a prisoner of its own.
In those first periods of time, the men and women of the world,
walked far away from God.
Only those ones that kept in their hearts a Love towards their
could maintain themselves. Nowadays, in this third period of
I come to each one of you, to tell you:
«That you are Light, and you are Eternal Truth ».
I have given you, in these cathedras, a very ample knowledge of
yourself; but your flesh
–that, of everyone of you– has not wanted to understand. Because
does not know
how to understand God; since it can not see Him, nor touch, nor
hear Him …
it does not know how. –And I tell you:
«Being made of this material, of this world: of earth –it can
understand, what Spirit is».
So Today, I can speak differently, to the way I used to, with my
−Times change, and at this time, through a lot of effort and
–of tears, of blood, and many sacrificies– I can deliver the
in form,
to your mode, and to your manner. –I, the Good Shepherd, come to
you, as your Master,
as your friend, as your brother. –I come to teach you, as in
times I taught you; but today,
you have another mind. You have
strenght within you! And you can overcome those
shadows; but
much more is needed, for you to be able to put them aside.
How many things have I wanted to teach you, through times and
but you close yourself up in those books, that you say teach
when truly and certainly…
You have your Spiritual eyes open! –But it is the first thing
darkness closes to you–
The first thing that your flesh and mind discard; because they
not believe it exists,
something beyond them. So many years had to pass by, for, at
present, you could listen to
these teachings. And though in some
have poured out the knowledge, they haven’t truly
accepted it;
because they have believed it is fantasy , as darkness has
said, that it is.
Each of you is different, I have told you that. Nowadays, you
between believing,
and not believing; between making, and not making –as you have
always done, as you have
always walked on Earth. –And, as
you have come back again, and again,
to this face on the Earth, to try to fulfill, God’s Will
–that is nothing else than your will; what you asked for, to the
Father, when He formed you–
I have told you –all that, that roots you to the face of the
is all negative–
the evil, that you have made yours, and believe is yours… is the
one that does not let you go!
Those hatreds, grudges, envies; those ambitions; that scorn,
revenge, those
mistreatments. All what you believe in –and
is what has made you suffer.
But, I tell you: «all that, has made you get here. Although it
a path with stones,
uphill and slippery; a path of suffering and of pain».
Each one of you has come through different paths, footpaths and
each one of you falling and raising, many times. And I do not
to this day,
but that Eternal instant, where your Soul overcomes the shadows
your flesh and your mind,
and rises over them; to approaches to
your God, and to your Truth .
Because your flesh that rules in this world, many times, can
walk any longer,
nor resolve its problems. And it is when it overcomes itself; it
lets go of itself, into the
shepherd’s arms, that is your
Eternal Truth , that is your Master –and only One with you.
–You have asked for it, I have told you– When you have come in
Spirit, in Soul,
towards my Father, you have asked that I came to your material
life, to tell you all these words,
for you to remember who
are, where you come from, and where you are going.
To come to teach you, to guide you, to orient you… to tell it to
you materially speaking;
because this world deceives you.
–How many times you have approached before your God, and your
To tell Him: «Father of mine, I forgot my mission and my labor,
the face of the Earth.
I did not deliver your message; I did not manifest it; I did not
fulfill myself
… because darkness deceived me».
And today… today you have it; you have asked for it, and I have
come to you!
Today is the time; Today, I have come for you , to tell
in this material body and mind
of yours…to reveal to you –awaken, as you have asked me to– in
flesh, in mind, in Word,
in knowledge, in understanding. −You have asked to me, and I
come to fulfill it.
The Father, full of infinite Love to you, has allowed it. He has
granted me to deliver it to you;
He allows you to write his Words, to you, humanity… to your
And you may say: « I am already very old». −Then… it is your
because not only
have I made myself present in here…I have been with you, all
When you have felt sincerity, Truth −I have been there! When you
have felt Love, mercy, Light,
I have been, with you! I have
done it. I have suffered, what you have suffered;
I have wept, what you have wept. I have endured, what you have
And I have raised you; we both, have raised.
And today… we are here, for one reason or another.
Your Master comes to you , to teach you what you already
knew… but they would not let you
remember. I am reminding to
Soul, to your Spirit, who you are; and together −the two of
open the breach; for you to start laboring in your material body and
mind, to teach you the
greatness that is, the son of God that
you are ; the heritage that you have from my Father.
To teach that the Soul, is an Eternal Being; and teach to the
material body,
that it is only an instrument of manifestation of your Light; an
imperfect instrument
to understand, and Be Light. But you will find the
Truth that lies in you ;
you will find many truths that you have heard of, in your books.
Although the good knowledge, is transmitted from Master to
not from the book to the pupil −from Master to pupil.
These books, may retain knowledge −as long as the guide is with
You have gotten a time, a moment −it is always given to you
. −You are born, grow and end;
and come back again… and again. How many times, will you come
When will the time come, that you make up your mind, to Be
what You Are?
My Father does not ask you, nor demands from you −because He is
Eternal goodness.
I come to teach you, to tell you what happens to you. I can do
because you have fought in many lives.
Do you want to keep on fighting; suffering and weeping, other
Doesn’t the suffering of wars, and destruction, makes you
The abandonement of the children, and of all those out of your
reach; even, in your family?
Aren’t you tired of seeing so much suffering, and pain?
—It is time to make up your Mind!
Everything −absolutely everything− that you carry in your little
what you have lived in this material world, is good and is evil…
—I have come to teach you, that there is something else. Because
for some moments,
you have turned to darkness as well, and see that it is bad, it
−your flesh sees and judges the things according to «earth»;
according to good and evil.
It has made great books, and you know it −it has created great
it has turned to the stars; to the past, to the future.
Can’t you see and contemplate, that you only live, an Eternal
… Allow yourself to understand, and learn from your Master.
about it;
but not with your reasoning, but with an Eternal Truth .
Leave your reasoning, and start working with your Truth .
Honestly think, in what I am speaking and saying −because your
can not be subjected
to worldly and human rules, nor your books, nor your writings.
If so, He would be a God enclosed in a book, in a word; a God
enclosed in a convent,
in a room… in a world. And I am not from this world, nor from
I am a God of Eternity, a God of Light, a God of Love…
I promised you a Liberating Spirit , I promised you to
to you ; I promised you to
always be with you… and I am fulfilling this promise; I am doing
it, every day.
In the Eternal Truth … your life passes by: you were a
child, an adolescent, an adult,
and probably you will be a person of age, or you already are.
−Life passed by; you saw it pass; and it will reach its end
(materially speaking).
You are an Eternal Being, in a body that does not last long,
that has got a time, and nothing else. You have seen the days
you have seen time passes by, and still… you do not turn to your
and still… you do not realize of the tremendous reality, that
are living!
Contemplate: each one of you, wander in this path; in this life
−apparently alone
and far away from your God. But when your heart feels me… Your
heart listens to me!
When you listen to the voice of the Truth and Love, and
turn your eyes into your inner self:
you realize, that there is something else, than wthat you
can see, speak and contemplate;
say, and touch. −When you realize that there is something more,
that fills you of Love and
Light, of sincerity and honesty… at
instant, you remember your God…
Today, I have come for you; to show you the way back home; to
you the teaching,
so that you do not stray, and return to your home −dear son of
How much deception there is in the world? How much evil and lie,
there is?
That does not let you see, what You Are ; nor your
nor your path, nor your Truth .
But each one of you, will make the effort to reach to your
Eternal Truth −to your Father.
No one can take a step towards to God; towards your Eternal
but with your own foot. That is to say: that you have to make
own effort and labor,
so you can walk towards your God; and be One, in Him.
Your fight is individual, because it is only up to you ,
use your free will.
And decide: the return to your celestial home; or your
on the face of the Earth −in suffering and pain.
At this very moment, you are before Me −your Soul, your
Spirit, is.
And by my Father’s presence, and by my presence… your paths are
open, to reach to Me.
They are open by the Truth ; because the Truth
you Free .
They are open for you , because you want to know Me,
because you want to go back to your God
−although many times, your flesh and your mind are little
interested in any of this−
You have free will. Walk, and do not stop!
Run to Me! and do not stop, little blessed ones
… that I am waiting for you, with open arms!
The Truth of Oneself, is what lies in One’s inner self: the
Eternal Being, the Spirit
(Go back to the text.)
«just» as in justice
(Go back to the text.)
[3] In the realms where the Beings of Light inhabit,
everything is ethereal -there is no matter. For this reason,
they call the world, in here: «the life of the forms»
(Go back to the text.)
[4] The first period of time refers to that narrated,
in the Old Testament; and what occurred in the second period of
time is in the New Testament. The third period of time starts in
September, 1866
(Go back to the text.)
[5]Their Soul enchained; that though it may not seem
so, would enchain the matter as well
(Go back to the text.)
(Apostle John) Revelations: chapters 5 thru 8
The extracts that we hereby present, are the cathedras given by
Jesus, during the
year 2018, in our Spiritual school. It is
to mention, that these texts are subject to
errors; due to either
canalization, the recording, the transcription, or the
The Master explains to us the reason for that –and at some point, it
importance; because our inner self, has the faculty to
them, in their true essence:
Remember blessed scribes, blessed pens of my Father, that you
the Truth
of my Word. And that even in this transmitted Word, through a
trained brain;
of a trained life –of a life!–
Even all that… it could be distorted; blighted, in your
in the voice recording.
All the Word that I manifest, materially, is passed through
a sieve, of your flesh, and of your mind.
All that is said, as an example; or that I tell it in a parable
−all that− carries imperfection, caused by this world.
But the Live Essence, will have to be comprehended in Spirit,
in Truth, by you.
Many Words… will not be consistent for you, nor to others; but
some, they will.
Other Words will be for you; some, will not. You will understand
flesh and in mind
−one way, or another. And you will see my
Father’s essence, that comes to teach you,
through a trained
instrument −but not perfect.
On the other hand, it could be said that «gramatically speaking» the
messages, are not
correct, because they are constantly mingling:
singular/plural, and pronouns. In a phrase, or
from one phrase to
other: the singular changes to plural, or viceversa; and from one
person to another (pronouns). Also, with the tenses happens the
since –generally
speaking– the Master speaks in the present tense.
few occasions, in the past, or in the
future tense.
In fact, this –His way of communication, is correct. Our Being –our
Eternal essence– is Spirit,
and not matter. And in the etheric
our Soul is, sometimes, «individual»; and in others
in regards to the time : neither time, nor space, exist in these realms.
These teachings, and many others, have been transmitted by the
−Difficult to
understand for the human mind, but not for our
inner-self. —We sense that, it is the way in
which, the Master
introduces us to that: our «true reality»; that is Spiritual, and not
And in this regard, here are the Words of Jesus, aimed to
open our mind, beyond this
material world:
Your matter understands (His Word, His lesson) to its form, and
−very typical of deception, of lie… very typical of darkness.
−Learn to see, and to understand the things, with your True
with your Eternal reality!−
There will be times in which, we may think: «that has already been
by the Master. Why
does He repeat it, so much?». −Here, He explains
us. We must give him our trust. He is the
Love, He is the wisdom, He
Light… and He knows what to do, and why He does it. All we
can do,
to duplicate in here, what Jesus is telling us, about the Books and
−being this manuscript, one of them:
«Many of your books, have knowledge of Truth; but I tell you
for the Seventh Seal of my Father, a lot of them are fumes,
and nothing else.
And the little they could have left you –those that carried,
carry wisdom,
and Eternal Truth… have brought you, up to here».
«Then, leave your books here! Leave your beliefs here!
Leave your ties here, and come to your Lord!»