Glossary T - Z
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Jesus lives within one self – The Creating Love . – (170910) The
Eternal Verb is present at all the times,
and at all ages, in
Master Jesus; and in so many of you, that have come to the face of The
to teach, to instruct… to show The Truth of your God.
Master is present in you; your Jesus is in
your heart, He is in all
of Light, and is The Truth that is within you.
(170507) I have told it to you: «you have the source of Life within, and
front of you… and you do not
see it». Many will tell you: «Look!
Here is the source; Look! This is the source». I tell you, that the
source is within you; and that the way home… is within you, as well.
the great wonders and
knowledge of other civilizations; of other worlds,
and of other skies… do not free you from a
prolonged stay, in this
of things, of good and evil. (180708) You know it! You can
your God; you can distinguish your Truth; you can
your Eternity. You can distinguish what
You truly Are: since, you have
always had The Truth within you. It has always been with you!
you are my Creation; and all Creation is formed by its Creator…
and all Creator, is within its own
(171126) Each one of you carries within the Greatness, and The Truth
−with which God has made you;
formed you as a Unique Being in the
Creation . «Those blessed creatures carried my Spirit[1]; I was with
them, because I am the «Faithful Witness» of theirs». And
can I be His witness? By being in them,
living in them: The Truth
is in them, as the True Life and the Light. For this reason, I told you:
«I am The
Light, The Truth and The Life». How could I be
separated from you… if you are creation of my Love.
And although you
fallen, I am with you; and even though you have sinned in
disobedience[2], I
with you… because I am the Faithful Witness of your Life, and of your
Eternal and new Truth .
(170413) I, your Master, your eldest Brother, your friend −I have come
through times and ages,
manifesting Myself in a different way, to each
of you, and to all of you, in general. Because tell me,
if you have not
felt in your heart –without needing any book, nor anyone to tell you– the
and The Truth ; the Love and the joy; the Faith, and the
trust. Tell me, if you have not felt my radiant
Spirit, within you?
Today, I come to tell you that that Spirit that makes you feel
those beauties, and that what you call
good and kind… I am Myself. It is
essence in you; it is my Truth in you –as Faithful Witness of all
your life, and all your Truth … and of all your lives. Have you
ever felt Me once, in your life? Because I
have been there, at every
moment, and at every instant of your life.
And so, now, open your door! The Love of all Loves[3], is knocking at it. It
is your will to open it, or leave
it half-opened −having the certainty
a Creating Love, makes Himself present, at your door.
Beloved ones… that
lie before Your Truth −before the Spirit, of my Father’s essence−
that has
delivered you this Spirit of Light, to Be that Spark
fuses with the Creator. That is Your Truth … and
you are before
beloved ones.
Conceived to the likeness of the Lord −With the gifts that you,
asked for . – (170115) And I tell
you blessed brothers, sons of
Father: «You are heirs of my Father; made at his image and likeness.
carry all the gifts that my Father has given you… Because you , have
asked for them!». −Before
coming to this world, You already were,
what you were! (171008) All of what, as a child said, thought
and loved
–all that– is what you asked to my Father; and all that, is what my
Father… gave to you. That
is the true path; that is how to live with
your Truth . And I tell you: you must try to do this, a little more,
every day –by being goodness and friendship, with your brothers
fellow beings. —You already
were the Greatness of my Father! But you
fallen into the deception, that darkness has set you in.
(160918) That Love, that you carry in your heart –what you have
desired within you− that is « the
fruit» that you asked to my
Father; and it is «the fruit» that you must cultivate. Because what
is in your
heart, is Your Truth ! It is the most beautiful thing
have asked to God –in Innocence. And it is what
my Father has given you.
God of Love and Perfection, could not possibly «take[4]» another thing
−that was not, what you have asked for… And He has given it, to you!
You are Truth, sincerity; not falseness, nor lie, nor deception .
(170827) I have been with you since
your childhood –since before coming
the world. Throughout the course of your life, I have been
with you as
Spirit of Light, that I am; as the Spirit of Truth , that I am. When
you have felt the Truth
in you, the sincerity and all what is
honest, true… you have felt Me! But, those times of
childhood, when you
remembered your God… with the course of the days, your flesh and mind have
been contaminated from the material world. And so, nowadays, you
very little of that. I
invite you to remember those times, and always
Be in that memory –over and over again– in your
material mind.
do it a vivid memory: with your feelings, with the Love that lies within
you, with
your Truth .
For some moments, go back to the honesty of your childhood; go back to
The Truth of your
childhood; go back to be the Light
you were at the beginning… for you to remember your Eternal
I have told you, since the second period of time: «I am The Light, The
Truth and The Life». I left
you these words, for you to
where to find me: within you! I am The Truth that lies within you,
and that yells at every instant as sincerity –as your own authority,
rules in each word that you
know is a lie, or that is Truth . I
told it to you, in many cathedras: «you can lie to everyone, but to
yourself, you can not lie». Hence, The Truth is within
and I am the Truth !
You do not know if your brothers, and fellow beings, lie to you, or not;
you do not know if they remain
silent for wisdom, or ignorance. What you
know… is what You Are. That it is the only thing, that you
know for a
fact: Your Truth . −What you are: the goodness, the compassion, the
clemency, the strenght,
the justice, the power, the courage. Is it in
others? Do they lie to you, or they do not? −You know what
lies within
and if you know that there is fear and tremor… you can hide it. But if you
know there is
courage, you do not hide it. Why you, do not hide it?
the courage, the strenght and
everything that is beautiful… was made to
shine; was made to convey it. It was made to glow!
(180527) I am The Truth , but also, I am the Humbleness. Meaning:
recognizing what you have done, or
not; that you are this or the other;
that you have made an effort for this, or for the other. But, when
not recognize all that, falseness comes to you, the deception, the lie.
Hence… you walk against
The Truth . Walk against yourself! −In
life of the forms[5] of
this third period of time, you have lost
sight of
Your Truth … and you have comprehended, what lie is−
(181209) At this very moment, you are before Me −your Soul, your Spirit,
is− And by my Father’s
presence, and My presence… your paths are opened,
reach to Me. They are open for The Truth ;
because The Truth sets you Free. They are open for you, because
want to know Me, because you
want to go back to your God. Remember that
have told you, that I am « The Path» … because I am
The Truth
. The path, to what? The path to your True Home; to your own Truth
: what You Are within.
–I tell you, that the path to return… is The Truth . I am The
Truth ; I am the Life. And your inner and
Eternal Being, is
Absolute Truth !
Which is The Absolute Truth ? – (170414) … the Truth
, is only one… Although nobody in the wordly
planet, knows the
Absolute Truth; my word descends to tell you, in your understanding
and knowledge
–for your current human life– the Unique Truth ,
you must recognize now, to value it. Because you
are all –all humanity–
daughter of God. You are Brothers among yourselves; that is the Truth
. And
when you know, how to assay the Truth –beloved hearts–
you will not offend your brother and fellow
being anymore. Because you
know that in your brother and fellow being, is God’s Divine essence
Father, your Father. You will not kill, nor judge; you will no longer do
anything against anyone.
And above all things: the offense from the one
has not understood The Truth,will no longer harm
you. And you
stop calling him enemy; stranger; to say that he is not from your family, or
blood; that he is not from your home. Or that he is negative,
tormented and darkened.
The road back to the celestial home . – (170115) I have told you,
that I am the Path… because I am The
Truth . –The path? What for?
The path to your Truth : what You Are in your inner self; the path to
true celestial home. And that path to return… is The Truth .
(160918}9 This world is not your home. Your
own home, your house and
family… is the Eternity, and the Light itself. It is the goodness, it is the
Light, it is my Father’s grace. (171008) And if you let yourself be
by your Truth … you will find the
way back home. Because the one
that does acts of Light, asserts oneself, and does my Father’s will
he wants you to do. And it is not a mandate… because wanting to do it, is
wanting to do your
Truth ! It is To Be Yourself!
Your Truth . – (170115) And your Truth … is that you are
Light. Your Truth … is that you are strength,
power, prosperity,
health and wisdom. That is your only Truth before my Father,
and your Eternal
reality! Why are not you? Why do not you do it? Why do
you, perform it?
IMPEDIMENTS TO BE TRUTH . – (180708) You have come to
God’s cathedra, and you have heard
many things, that at first, confuse
but they will be awakening a Truth,that has no other face…
The Truth is the same, wherever you see it. And your reasoning can
not −nor your
understanding− defeat The Truth … because The
Truth , can not be changed. Your God has told you:
«All reason
the world, is barrier of the world. Change the reason, for The
Truth!». The reason is your
mind; your Truth is your
How much deception there is, in the world? How much evil, lie, there is?
that does not let you see,
what You Are –nor your destiny, nor
path, nor your Truth . But each one of you, will make an
reach to your Eternal Truth –to your Father.
Truth over reason . – (170611) The adulation and the
flattery, do not belong to your God. The Truth is
your God and
Lord. There is no reason to your God. For Him, there is only «
Truth». That word (reason),
you apply it materially, for the
matter; and it is only a barrier of your flesh, and your mind.
Your reason –I have told you in other occasions– is the barrier that
hinders you to transcend; because
it is the reason that holds you in
world; it is the barrier –seemingly unsurmountable− that does not
see beyond.
You must transcend your material reason, because it is only darkness of
world; it is the grey of the
world. The material mind thinks a thousand
things… and in that thought, it is lost, because it can not
find The
Truth −due to its reasoning, that is part of its worldly reality.
May there be then in you, to
remove that great obstacle: to cross that
great door of reasoning, that only hinders you to see your
Truth , and « Be Truth»: be Light… not reasoning. Only Be
−manifest− your Truth .
To manifest The Truth , it is necessary to change reason, for
Truth . And so, each one of you, little
blessed ones, must
those shadows of darkness. Dare yourself, to crumble, and remove that
attire! To crumble those barriers, that do not let you «Be Your
Self»; that do not let you do
something… beyond. It is your duty…
is an imperative need, to seek, the way to manifest the Light
that You
The path is within you; not outside, nor in the material . –
(170611) That is why I came to the world, to
teach you, the paths of
your Truth –I do not teach you, anything else. (170312) How many men
women of the material world, seek their God –even in the entrails of
The Earth. Men and women seek
in the human knowledge, in the great
libraries of the world –not only at these times, but in the times
They seek the wisdom: in the skies, in the stars and beyond… where they are
unable to see.
And their imagination makes them write great books, and
great stories; but all that, is dust of the
ground. The true wisdom –the
Eternal and true knowledge– sprouts from The Truth itself. Hence,
wisdom and the knowledge do not lie in the entrails of The Earth,
in the material skies; they do not
lie in your mind, nor in your worldly
body. They lie in The Spirit of the Truth .
(180708) Leave then, the utensils of your life –because that is what
are: your flesh and mind. They
are only utensils, the instrument, to
in this earth, where you learn the good and the evil. But, I
remind you,
little one, that you have not come to learn… because you know everything
already! You
have come, because you decided to come to this knowledge,
you took the fruit of good and
evil. And you may say: «I am
learning». But truly, I ask you: is it necessary to learn, the good
and evil?
Is it necessary truly and certainly, that you learn evil? …if you are an
Eternal Being. If you are a Being,
that is in Eternal Light? …and where
that does not exist.
These Spiritual schools –these temples– are to learn that your flesh and
mind, are only dust of the
ground −the instrument of manifestation of
your Eternal Truth . If you call to that, learning; then, you
come to learn. Blessed Shepherd, son of God, prince of the skies, master,
star of the skies,
aubade of the dawn: you have come to manifest! Do not
confuse what is material, with what it is
Spiritual; what is from God,
what is from the world. If this were a material school −material would
taught, for you to live the material; and take advantage of what is
material. But if you take that
knowledge –everything you learn,
speaking–and manifest it for darkness, you will be an
instrument of its.
Now, if you take an essence of Light, of Truth,as the Master You Are
–a greatness of
my Father– and take material knowledge, to the material
world… you will do material greatness, but,
with an Spiritual essence.
The path is not, in the material knowledge . – (170611) The
humanity seeks in old books; seeks in
the stars; seeks in other
civilizations –of the times and ages, and of the stars themselves. Seek
Truth , seek your God; seek to find who you are, where you
from −not knowing that The Light, The
Truth and The Life; is
you. (181513) And although there are many «truths» in the books, the
unique, authentic and true Truth –the one that is worth for you…
not outside of you; it is within you.
(180708) You do not need books,
of knowledge to love, to care, to bless. Meaning, that your flesh
need anything else, to manifest. Only that your Soul, is the one
that conveys; and that your
flesh be submissive, and obedient to convey.
You do not need books −only learn, that You Are the
owner of your body
mind; and the one that grabs the reins of your Truth .
(180513) I have told you that all the knowledge of the world, and of
creation of good and evil, is
only dust of the ground. And that the
Spiritual knowledge and wisdom, are a small spark of Light, in
of your God –it is a link. You needed, truly and certainly, to walk, and
walk; and when you
reach to your God, and feel the Love –that pure Love
that is from God– you forget your books, your
writings… you get to
what you know.
The books are of no use, nor what you learn through them; only that, of
what you have done, and
performed. (180909) Do not let no one, put
and obstacles anymore; put books and more
books. Do not let no one tell
you, that this is your God; that your God is like that; that your conduct
should be like that; that these are the rules, the measures; that this
what you must do. How do you
truly let, that flesh and mind, grab the
of your Truth ? when You Are the Truth . I have already told
you, that in many places, you will have to bring knowledge; yet The
Truth , is already within you.
The path is not in other worlds, in other universes, nor in other
civilizations . – (170611) All the Creation
that you know
and invisible; hidden and manifested– truly and certainly, all it walks,
through its
own path. This is: other humanities of the past –or others
you do not know of, and that exist in
reality– and other brotherhoods
are far from your location, from your planet. –All the civilizations
times and ages; of the skies, of the worlds, of the universes… all of those
seek their origin, their
Truth and their destiny.
Because all this Creation is good and evil; ephemeral and transitory –it
only an instant, and nothing
more. All of them… take a different path,
that of yours. Do not look at them! since they walk in
their own paths
trails. They walk round, and round, around the mountain… but they do not
the summit[6].
They go up, and down… and fall. Indeed! Civilizations
fall −towns, worlds and skies. And
many of them, believed to know their
God. Do not go behind them! since The Truth is within you. Do
go behind those towns, those brotherhoods. I invite you to walk –not through
their path– but
through the path of your Truth : your own path.
Where the greatness of a God is; where the Eternity
that waits and
for you, is. It is not far… it is in yourself, in your daily life.
Creeds and Religions . – (160424) Do not expect much from this
universe, nor from your brothers and
fellow beings. Expect from
and from your God. You will be able to learn a lot from the
skies, and
the stars; you can embellish yourself. You can learn a lot from within
yourselves, from
your brothers and fellow beings; from the towns and
nations. But the most inmense greatness is in
your God, is in your
–And, I tell you a Truth … That it is, within you! That greatness,
is inscribed
in you! Be Your Self, wherever you are!
(181209) How many books and writings have been made in the name of my
Father, in my name, and in
the name of your brothers and fellow beings.
how many, and many, of your fellow beings, have
raised against their own
Father –to commit acts of darkness, evil, and rebelion. How many wars, how
many dead people, how much injustice! They say to believe in the
to walk to God; and truly
and certainly, they do not know what they do,
what they say.
(160424) Consider that you have felt the attack of darkness… because it
does not want you; because
you are its enemy; because you come to
it, finish it, withdraw it, discard its shadows. And I will
give you the
weapons, for you to do it −with that Faith, with that courage, with that
innocence, with
that Humbleness. That is the way you will take the
weapons; and all what the Father gives you
through the Holy Spirit,
The Holy Mother Church. – The Holy Mother Church , is not only the
one you think of. They are all those beliefs in my Father. They are all
those of my sons, that take as
standard a God of Love, a God of Light.
Unified in only One –all of them– form The Holy Mother
Church .
your Lord, are his divine plants: they are his schools and temples, that
form a single
If the work and labor… are school and temple… they are of God. But it is
missing, that the master is
there −teaching with the example, with the
and labor, with the goodness of your Lord. Hence,
your house, your
and your workplace –and wherever you are– will turn into a temple, a school,
a door of The Holy Mother Church −in a very different way, as
different, is all the Creation: the world,
the races, the colors, the
creeds, the universe itself.
The darkness; and the good and evil, are antagonistic to your
. – (170312) It is not convenient to
darkness that you know:
what is good or bad; nor the origin of your worldly existence. It is not
convenient to it, that you know, you have a free will; and for that
you choose to take from this
knowledge, of good and evil. It is
to it that you are in confusion, in ignorance; that you do
not know your
origins. Therefore, you ignore through where you may return… nor where to
go. When
you are the shepherd, that guides the sheep!
You are only One in my Father! You are not a stranger, to my Father’s
Greatness. You are his son! But
you have forgotten; because the
has wrapped you, because you have moved away from the
center of Light.
darkness, neither too early, nor too late, comes to work over you. It does
and labor, and make whatever is necessary to lose you, since it is
contrary, to you. It is contrary to your
God –his creation opposes to
Creation of God. For it, the Light is, its opposite. If you were in that
darkness, you will see things as it does; and you will twist all the
things, that are of Light. I tell you, that
it has occurred, because you
see the Greatness of your Lord, and think… that they are the great
weaknesses of the world. When they are the Greatness of the world! In
times and ages –in the
universe, in all the Creation.
I have told you in other occasions, beloved ones of my Father: if you
back, everything will continue
the same; and it will be getting worse,
because your enemy does work and labor. –If there is hurry,
or there is tiredness, in you; it is the darkness that instills all that
power onto you, so
you do its work and labor -for you to feel a thousand
barriers, crossing in the way. May there be then:
the darkness itself,
all that malice, and the justice,[7] are over you.
When will you come out of this system of things, little blessed ones?
truly and certainly, will you
know your Truth , and you will know
what You truly Are? That is the reason why my Father sent me to
you: for
you to know the Love of God, and in it, the compassion, the charity, the
clemency, and all that,
that is Truth and Life, in God.
(171008) I have told you, as the Spirit of Light that I am, that the
is the Eternal Life, and is your
Truth . You are not the son of
darkness, nor the creation of darkness –your material body, good and
is. Do not be confused by darkness. You Are Light! You are the Eternal and
True Being, my
Father’s son, my friend, my brother –that Being of Light
that is within that body, and that is listening to
me, at these moments
the times and ages.
(170611) I come to tell you: Do Not seek, what is outside of you. Seek
is within you. Seek your
Eternal and Divine reality. I have invited you
Be Eternal; and not ephemeral and transitory, as the
good and evil is.
This System of Things, of good and evil; along with the flesh and
are obstacles for your Truth . –
(181014) Your adversary that is wrapping this world, and forming also
of it, deceives you at every
moment. Your adversary is against you,
everybody; and makes you suffer, because it makes
you believe that you
different to God. You, by taking this knowledge of good and evil… you
decided to be dual: good and evil; decided to be in Truth and in
lie –that is your flesh and mind. You
decided Eternity or, death; but
you carry Eternity in you –in your inner self; and as you carry
death in
the external… you are in a tremendous confusion. You can not understand that
you reborn,
over and over again. But that your Soul and your Spirit,
the same.
You are Eternal, but, at the same time, you are not; because you do not
believe in your Eternity,
because you do not believe in yourself.
you think that your flesh –which is dust of the
ground– is your True
when it is only an instrument, with which you can manifest yourself in this
life, on this earth, in this universe that you know –because your matter
has not seen anything else. It
only knows, what it can touch, see, hear,
and feel with their material senses. And only believes in them
–it is
normal that it believes in them, because he is formed from them.
(180527) Your flesh can not see its inner self; it can not see that it
Divine. It can feel it, immerse in it,
and be One in it; but it has a
worldly limitation. It can not distinguish correctly the pure evil, nor the
pure goodness. It distinguishes a mixture of both. Wake up and realize
big your enemy is; how
big is the power that has come upon you, putting
kinds of thoughts, and feelings contrary to the
Light. −Analize, think;
reason with your heart, with your Innocence, with your Humbleness. You will
realize that your innerself is something very far away, from what your
flesh and mind have believed;
because they are inhabited by this enemy;
do not realize what is good or bad. They are in
confusion; and the
confusion is not of your God.
(180708) You need to learn that You Are the owner of your body and mind;
that You Are the one that
grab the reins of your Truth . −That
body and mind, are not going to be Light; that they will never
that they will make one mistake, after another… it is true. Because you have
an earthly
body; with a mind that wants that God be like it, to be able
understand Him −the idea that it «has
formed» of Him. Tell it:
down, blessed body and mind; because my God is something beyond
of what
can believe, imagine, or think».
I have come to you, so that you stop putting barriers to your Soul
flesh that listens to me.
Human mind, even if you are the wisest in the
world, even if you are the greatness on this face of The
Earth, dust of
ground… will you be one day. I have come to tell you, blessed flesh and
mind, that
you are only an instrument of the son of God −who is within
Honor that son that is within you!
Do not place more obstacles, nor
barriers, upon him.
But when this mind is filled of Light, and of Love; when your Soul rises
the Warrior and soldier that
she is –in that courage, in that strength
your God; when your God and your Lord claims in your
heart and yells:
Freedom! ... it is when you break the barriers of the flesh and mind, and
yourself. Then, you can realize that your mind is only an
instrument, and that your flesh, too. –Your
mind, an instrument of
manifestation of wisdom, of knowledge, of Truth ; and your flesh, an
of manifestation of the Greatness of your Soul −through that
thought full of Light, full of Life.
—You will be then, as that precious incense that raises… praising to
Lord; creating wonders on
this face of The Earth—
The Great Temple of my Father is in you, in your heart! And you have
caren of it, with dedication,
with labor. For that reason, you have
here… in the middle of this desert −truly and certainly−
consagrated by
your God and your Lord! In the middle of these precious palms of my Father,
you find yourself now!
(160424) This current day −The Present that is always with you– awakens
you, Unifies you, reminds
you; it makes you only One in your God, it
you only One in your Eternal Truth . −The Master’s
voice Unifies
your work, and your material and mental labor; Unifies your Soul and your
Spirit, leading
you to the memory of your Truth . Thus developing
the gifts, faculties, graces and virtues; and
everything that You Are
before God. − Your Truth is Eternal, but this present time, it is
time of labor for
your Soul. It is time of work and labor for your flesh
and mind… and the work of that material flesh and
mind… is Faith! It is
trust, it is courage in your God!
It talks about the precise instant in which He created, each of them –of
us, His sons
(Go back to the text.)
See «Sin» at this same Glossary/Dictionary of Themes
(Go back to the text.)
(Go back to the text.)
The Master uses the word «take»; and not «give», because as per His
teachings, our Truth is He, Himself. Jesus created us, in Oneness with
the Father. One asked for certain qualities; One asked to be formed in a
determined way, and One’s Creator «took» those qualities, and put them
on Oneself
(Go back to the text.)
That is the way the Master Jesus calls, the material life (existence)
(Go back to the text.)
«The path of the mountain» is when One already seeks consciously, the
path to God, to the enlighthening –to reach the summit, is To
(Go back to the text.)
One has to remember that it is darkness itself, that makes and provokes
the acts of darkness. Also, it is the one that judges and condemn, those
acts. -The Father’s justice is perfect, and hence, He is not a part of
that so-called «justice»
(Go back to the text.)