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#7 – Take hold of the Father’s palm, and do not let go. God’s Will, your most precious desire. −Warrior of Light, you are on your way towards Me; you are already in the path

[180429] – MATERIAL KNOWLEDGE VS SPIRITUAL GREATNESS. – People that seek to return
to your God –because you have not found Him, in all that is worldly; or in this Creation, that
you look at, with your material eyes. I am eagerly waiting at this door of Humbleness,
to clean your shoe fit; and wash off, that dust you have raised, of the world.
MATERIAL LIFE. – Each one of you wanders in this path, in this life
–apparently alone, seemingly far from your God.
But when your heart feels and listens, you turn your eyes towards yourself, towards your
inner self; and realize that there is something more, of what you can contemplate, or touch.
It is because I yell at you; I talk, and I make you return towards Me; for you to listen, to
my words of Love, and of Light.
You have come to the face of the Earth, wrapped in a body of good and evil –that does not
let you, but seen good and evil. Absolutely all that you carry in your little head, that you
have lived in this material world, is good and evil… everything.

For moments, you have turned to darkness and see how wicked, cruel it is.
Then your flesh that sees and judges, the things according to good and evil,
has made books, and formed religions.
It has turned to the stars; to the past, and to the future.
Don’t you realize, that you only live, an Eternal Present?
Certainly, since you were born, until this moment, you are the same –you are son of the
Highest. And two major forces fight within you: a good one, and a bad one.
The one you feed… will have to win. That one, you pay attention to, and feed every day.
And I tell you: «do not be that sage man –but stubborn– that looks for books and more
books; truths and more truths in this System of good and evil, where everything
can be deceiving, and contradictory».
Darkness is lie; it is the tyrant of the world –and of all this Creation– that takes you away
from your God, because it is not convenient, that you turn, to your inner self.
And so, it puts you a book, and another book. It sets wars and destructions; it gets you into
trouble, errors, deceits, treasons; and puts up a charade –a theater of deception, and of
apparent truth– for you never turn to see, your inner-self –where your God is.
Where I am –because there, is the Light, the Truth and the Life.
If you have felt being honest and True, it is because You are with Me;
because that is who I am. If you have felt the Light, I am with you, because I am the Light.
I am the Truth, and when you live with all that… you live your True Life.
TEACHING. – Today, I can talk to you differently, from the manner I used, with my apostles.
The times change; and at this time, through a lot of effort and work
–of tears of blood, and of many sacrifices– I can deliver the WORD
in a way [you can understand] –at your mode, and manner.
I, as Master; come to teach you , in all possible forms, and repeat to you the lesson,
over and over again –until you turn to see, your inner-self.
Darkness in deception, raises in this world, and universe; and claims to be
the owner and master of all things. Meanwhile, your blessed flesh and mind, can not see
beyond the worldly [realm]. And yet, they are not the guides, of your Truth.

Many approach to this great Tree of Life –to these great teachings–
For them, a taste of this world, worths more than a diamond of the skies.
Feeding themselves from the world, worths more,
than taking a fruit from this – your Lord’s table.
Accept your Soul’s reality; that, of your Eternal Truth. She does not need the wisdom
of the world. She is Wisdom itself! because she is One, in God.
The matter is wrapped in darkness, and can not see its Eternal Truth.
Thus, Humbleness and INNOCENCE are necessary. Because when you are as a child,
everything that your father says, is greatness for you.
In this child’s Innocence, you seek no more than what your father gives you to drink,
what your father tells you; because that Innocence is God’s divine power.
Remember that the Innocence, is contrary to malice, to evil.
To return to your God, go back to your Innocence. But, your flesh and mind say:
«I can not believe it». This is because, they are wrapped in darkness.
But when your Truth, be greater… then, you have returned to your God; to your home;
you have become again, Only one with your God.
The way back is difficult: with tears, with suffering, with all that you went through on Earth,
because you come back to your true home. But, little by little, you will distinguish the path
better; and it is where you must apply all what you have been taught –where your God’s
Alive Teaching, manifests itself.
Ask yourself: since you have known this Great Tree of Light, and of Life
–since, you have met me– and you have attended your teachings/developments; tell me:
If you haven’t changed, your Being a lot? If you haven’t learned, not only from books
–because letters are of the world– but in Spirit, and in Truth?
The true teaching, is from Master to pupil
(the books remind you, the words of your Master).
Your Master is in front of you; He is with you, every day of your life, every instant.
My Father’s Wisdom is in Him; therefore, wisdom is with you.
The knowing and the knowledge is applied to you every day; every instant of your life
through your surroundings, and through yourself.
However, the one who manifests the knowledge and the apprenticeship, is you .
KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD. –Look and contemplate that the darkness wants to deceive
you, and has thousands of books there; thousands of letters; things with a lot of wisdom,
a lot of knowledge… because remember, that the deceit knew a lot, about your Lord[1].
Many beautiful and sublime words, darkness will put you
−they are words, and nothing more.
But, I come to teach, in Spirit and in Truth. All that I will be teaching,
and showing you, through cathedras and lessons
−all that, is God’s Alive Teaching!

It is not dead paper, that was written by other people; it is not plain cathedra.
It is your Lord’s Alive Cathedra. It is living water!
Remember that it is not the same «to see» your reflection in the water,
than «to be» in the water.
I teach you to be in these waters; to bathe in them[2].
If you would not have Humbleness, those books would not let you in.
They are like stones, that you are carrying, in a big bag on your shoulders; and do not let you
advance upwards; you only go round and round, to the summit of the mountain.
Until you take off the bag, take out the stones –where you have so many writings.
Until you let go of, everything –even your garments– you will be able,
to take a step towards, the True summit of the mountain[3].
Because you will speak, write, talk… and tell to everyone, and to yourself:
«I know God», because you have seen him in the reflection of the water.
But I do not want that, from you. I want you to be with me; to be part of this water,
of that Divine fire, of that wonderful sun.
Leave everything behind, and follow Me! Because no one reaches the Father,
but through the Son. And when you have reached to Me,
have reached my Father… without a doubt.
BE THE FRUIT, BE ABUNDANCE. – It is not the same giving the fruit that you receive…
than having the fruit, that you give.
« There can not be Light, without the Light». In other words: you can not deliver my Father’s
wellspring, if you are not… the wellspring of Him.
Here, in the fringe of the Seventh Seal –your knowledge, your understanding, runs out;
and starts your «True Living». −Those books, that knowledge,
and what you believe, y0u are doing… turns into dust, and nothing more.
Understand that you start your Eternal True, when you are in this Humbleness,
and in this Innocence. Then, all these fruits of this grand table of the Father…
can take at your heart’s content… and make them yours! In you , they are multiplied;
and only then, you could deliver, what you have sown in you!
I have already told it to you, in other words: « The One who does not do it; nor knows, nor
understands it»
. The one who does not: sow, grows, harvests it, in oneself; the one who
does not care for it –does not truly and certainly knows, appreciate that fruit of Love, and of
Life. But, the one who takes the seed: sow it, care for it, water it and grow it; see it grow
and see it bear fruits and flowers –knows truly and certainly, what one has in oneself: a fruit
that bears more fruits –a tree that grows, and gives infinite abundance.
This abundance is the one that is delivered to you ; and the one you have to deliver
−because it is already a fruit…that is giving fruits !
—It is not the same to go out, and spread my word… than sow it in you ; make it, in you ,
manifest it, in you ; living it, in you , and convey what sprouts of you —.
This is the teaching, little blessed ones. But many of you, prefer to do the opposite:
take the words, and deliver them. So, many times, they are left, with nothing.
No! Sow those fruits that I give you; because they carry seed –seed of abundance
to «Be» God’s parcel yourself; and deliver in infinite abundance, to all humanity.
I tell you: «Know my word , in the sense of fulfilling yourself with it. Also, to seed in you,
my word –Living it! Not just contemplate it, but to be in that water».
MASTERY/COMMUNITY. – Each of you has a labor, a unique mission on the face of the Earth
–a Mastery. Each one, United and congregated, form a precious « Entirety » −a Divine, Unique
Light. A star that fuses, with all the others, and form The «GRAND CROWN OF GOD».
When you learn to «Be as Only One»; when you walk shoulder to shoulder, knowing the
Mastery of each of you; you would have taken a giant step, on the face of the Earth.
Hard times are coming to you; but great ones, for my Father, and for your Souls:
To always be together !
See and contemplate the ills of misery and of poverty, in the world.
They are the great powers of darkness, that immerge you in deception, in lie, and in treason!
−Many have taught you, that poverty, is necessary to reach your God;
that misery is strength of purification for you, and for your beloved ones.
But many of them, became rich –abusing others’ effort;
hence, immerging you more and more, in that darkness.
—You must raise as WARRIORS OF GOD, and fight with the arms of Light
and of justice, that I have given to you!

See and contemplate, that the world in its darkness, has deceived you.
It has perverted and corrupted you –physically and mentally.
It deceives you, betrays you; judges you and condemns you.
I have told you: «It will win on you , and out of you, as well… the one, you feed
–be it good; be it evil. And, if you remain inert, you will remain, in the good and evil».
Leave the sin –which is the disobedience− it is good, and evil[4].
–You should walk free of sin!
In this world, where slavery rises, the son of God must be raised,
in freedom and in salvation.
You are in misery, and in poverty; in sickness and in vice… Why don’t you Join!
Why don’t you Unify –shoulder to shoulder, and hand with hand.
I have told you: that my palms, is trust; and that you can not give the hand, if there is no
trust. −If you can not give the palm of your hand, distrust is around you.
What is the distrust, but the disunion, the disengagement. It is that you always remain out
of those waters of Light, and of Life! −Out of this table of peace, and of my Father’s Love.
Out of what God is; out of your strength, of your presence, and manifestation!
You have come to «Development[5]»; you know the magnetism that is generated in you ,
while in work and in labor. You can awaken all those gifts, in that Union… because I am
there… among you. If you will ever do it, materially and mentally
–only in the path of Light– you will have done wonders, and raise great temples;
erect great walls, against the world’s slavery; the misery, the poverty, the sickness
and of all the calamity in the world!
THE DARKNESS does not want your Oneness, and for that reason, it puts distrust among
you; puts bitterness and all the troubles, and ballast of the world.
And you judge, the speck of the neighbor’s eye…
but do not see the speck that is, in front of you.
You point at your brother and fellow being, seeing all their flaws.
Don’t you realize, that what you see in him; you have it yourself, in magnificence?
But, many times you say: «my Father tells it to that one; to the other one».
And I tell you: «at every instant, your God has spoken to you»
They are not your brothers’ flaws; it is that of what he has not fought, nor worked…
that, is what wraps him, and overwhelms him.
And you do not stop and think, that you are there –precisely– to remove the dust;
to remove what surrounds your brother, for him to shine as the star
that he must Be … that he is… and that he will be.
You do not see it like this, due to your selfishness; because the distrust and darkness are
with you. Because you say: «if I do not get help from others, why should I help them?»
Isn’t that, selfishness, darkness? that keeps you from seeing and doing God’s Will?
If you can not do it, it is because you have not overcome the shadows
–not of the world– of yourself.
Haven’t I told you that by praying for your brothers, you do it for yourself?
And haven’t I told you: «what you do for those ones, you do it to Me».
Can’t you realize that my Eternal Father, has done it to see your heart?
To see what, you truly and certainly, are worth?
It is not the same to say: «Here, within my heart, and in my mind…
are the Greatness of the skies. My heart is filled with Love and Life;
and my mind pensives of the greatest and most beautiful».
What use could it have, to have it all locked up there?
It is not a word I have said, for you only to write, and to say.
It is for you to do it, and practice it!
Your Eternal Truth is all that is beautiful in you; and it is to manifest yourself.
Today, I can tell you, because you have fought for many lives.
Do you really want to keep on fighting, other lives, suffering and weeping?
Your body and mind, suffering; frightening your Soul?
Don’t the wars, the destructions, the abandonement of children, make you suffer?
You weep and suffer, because you feel the bitterness of misery, of poverty, of sickness,
of vice. And all that closes you up: hatreds, grudges, lust, vices; and everything that is
calamity, and what darkness has made.
–Still, you continue in this world… because you do not want to manifest the Light,
hat was made to shine, to be manifested, to live it!
You will have many battles and wars, of course. Of course you will suffer, the twist in the
wind of times… as a Warrior of God; as your Lord taught you to live.
But live with your Truth; live with the power of the salvation, and the Eternal hope;
, truly and certainly, in Freedom.
It is better to live –truly and certainly– some moments in Eternal freedom,
than living an Eternity, in shameful slavery.

—The time is approaching for each one of you—
My Father does not judge, nor condems –that is a deception of darkness.
My Father loves you; but darkness is going to revest itself –in appearance–
in the garments of the Light; and it will make you see, in your books,
in your writings: its deceptions, its lies.
Do not believe in it, any longer. The Eternal Truth is the only thing worthwhile, and is in you.
You are Freedom, you are the Salvation of yourself… because I am within you!
But you do not manifest Me. Therefore, you have not done, anything.
I have sent you patriarchs, prophets and apostles of my Father;
but you only write, about them.
You should start doing, what I have taught you, and demonstrated you,
through them –only their acts, and deeds.
Everything is moved by THE LAW, OF CAUSE AND EFFECT in this life; absolutely everything.
And if you, truly and certainly, have felt Me, and you know that I am with you… realize that
−not even the leaf of the tree, can be moved; if it is not, my Father’s Will.
What you have been through, as a child; what you suffered, what you endured.
All that you walked and lived −as well as what has been dying, and what you have seen
while growing− all that, that has arrived to your life, absolutely everything –even your
dreams– are for a reason.
Realize, blessed brother, that absolutely everything you live, has to do with
MY FATHER’S WILL. But darkness makes you feel that God’s Will, is contrary to you.
−Flesh and mind. What are you afraid of, from God?
That things will not turn out, as you want? When have things, turn out, as you wish?
When have things turn out, as you want, blessed matter?
−Never, because this world is deception; is dark, murky, and gray.
It is like if you, blessed flesh, would like to smell with your ear
−you can not do things, that way.
Realize, you do not accept God’s Will; because you are afraid of it.
Yet… fear is the weapon of darkness.
You do not want to make yourself , to my Father’s Will… because you lack, confidence.
Thus, you can not take your God’s hand –his palm.
You must fully trust, your Lord! Knowing,
that He is, a God of Light —perfect and just!
How are you going to ask, to your Lord: «My Father, let your Will, be done?»;
when you have taken so much poison. But it has not been your God’s Will;
it has been you −blessed humanity.
—It has been you −priest, cleric and tutor—
Why haven’t you sowed the seeds, I have given you?
Why have you passed them; rather than sowed them, in your heart?
How many of you, truly and certainly, walk like this −in that distrust of your God?
Do you want to keep on paying attention: to the world, to darkness? That deceives you!
That keeps you, with books, and more books of antiquity
−of skies, and of universes civilizations.
Isn’t everything that is created and manifested −good and evil?
—All the universes: those civilizations of the skies; all those endure, the same as you do.
All of them, seek for their God… pursuing the Truth—
For many of them… it is denied. To others, it is withdrawn; because they only
seek the power. So, Do you want to turn to them? Living a hell, again and again
–of which, you will never come out from
… because all this system of things, is good and evil.
I invite you to come to the Eternal Life; to leave all this
… because all this, is wrapped in death.
Because this system of things −since it carries evil− is perishable, it is destruction.
Leave the flood of words, and start taking action!
I give you the Words of my heart, and of my Love. I give you my Cathedra of Truth
and Onction. I love you ,with all the Love that I have demonstrated, in the times and ages.
I have come, to give Myself to you , and for you
–the star that my Father has made, in the skies; and that by your free will, has come to face
of the Earth… And, I have come behind you −to teach you, how to go back to your God.
My Father was right, by saying that darkness would deceive you… if someone
from the skies would not come down, to teach you, the way back to your home.
Certain, was my Father; that if we left you, you would stray; and you would turn to darkness.
So enormous is my Father’s Love –and I, beeing his heart– that we have come to you ;
and we have given it to you… in this world of Law, of Cause and Effect
–in this Law, from which you can not come out…
your price [your debt], has already been paid.
When I have told you, that you are «in sin», it is because you continue, in the good and evil.
You have not turned your eyes to God, because you do not carry Me, in your heart.
Not until sincere and honest repentance comes to you, will you feel your God;
and then, your eyes will contemplate Me, again.
SIN AND FORGIVENESS. – I have forgiven you , but you do not want to forgive yourself.
I have turned your gaze, to the skies; but you do not want to contemplate your God.
You only see the face of the Earth, as something to live for; as something you have to do
−something wordly, not divine.
Truly and certainly, stop beeing in that sin; stop walking in the valley of death and pain.
Come to the Eternal Life!
Today my Father, has removed a blindfold of darkness from the pupils of your heart,
for you to see the truth of your things; for you to comprehend,
feel, and start doing, what you have to do. In where my Will… is your earnest desire!
−Your Father imposes not; your heart, is the one that loves to do,
what the Will of the Lord, asks for.
Learn to live and remove that distrust of your hand; for you to be able to take
with confidence, with Faith and with Humbleness,
the great hand of your God, of your Master.
I have forgiven you; and this forgiveness redeems all that is on the face of the Earth.
Do not believe in the flood of words from darkness, that wants to enslave you,
and condemns you, over and over again. Because if you believe in it
… you feed, those condemnations!

THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. - When you do my Will, this law, carries no effect; since its
effect, is of Light. −For the one who walks with my Will, and does my Will about everything;
it does not have the negative effect on oneself, nor on one’s beloved ones
–although to your flesh and mind, it seems the contrary… you are doing my Will!
I have told you, that not even your dreams, are far from your God’s Will
–when you have recognized God in you ; when you follow Me[6].
Because you are in transit −of that way, of your life− towards Me.
Such transit, is full of grief; full of deceptions, of lies…
hence, it does not let you see, nor contemplate [that you are in your God’s Will].
As you approach closer and closer to your God… you realize that
«The leaf of the Tree, did not move, without His Will»; and that absolutely everything
−although you judge what you have done, as wicked and cruel– was my Father’s Will
to: move, change, learn and find your God[7].
Thus, if you have offered your life and your heart to your God, and you know
that you have done it; I tell you: «My son, my daughter, yours Father’s Will is with you…
you are doing my Will; and you will do it, and fulfill it.
But you are in a transit, in where darkness does not let you see what you do;
does not let you find the way… yet, you are in it.
You already are in that path; I am with you, and you will not stray –nor will I lose you,
because I am already with you –within you… you know it.»
You are Oneness, Grace and Alliance. I have given you a tremendous and great power
to prosper; and to make your brothers and fellow beings, prosperous.
A tremendous power to convey abundance on the face of the Earth;
and to be seed of abundance, and divine creation.
Manifest all that! −You are Greatness, but you will be smallness
while you do not manifest yourself; while you hide the Light.
When you walk towards your God −darkness raises, and yells at you, saying: that you must
walk the opposite way. When you come towards me, it makes you feel the darkness
and the evil –perverseness of the world.
It makes you feel unworthy, false… since it does not want you, to approach to Me.
Do not pay attention to your enemy. You are not darkness, you are Greatness of the skies.
I have come to show it, to you. And to tell you, that you are my brother;
that you are my friend , that you are… my Father’s Perfect Creation!
Every time you succeed… you raise the sword, and defeat darkness!
You open the rock, and manifest my Father’s Greatness!
You have free will. Walk, and do not stop.
… Run towards Me! and do not stop, little blessed ones,
that I am waiting for you , with open arms.

[1] The creator of darkness, is the fallen angel. That is the reason it knows a lot of the Father –but not, the essential; since the Lord puts a curse to darkness: for it, not to understand the Light. Light is confusion, for the dark side. That is the reason why, when One walks paths of darkness, One does not perceive, nor understand the Light. (Go back to the text.)
[2] See at the Glossary: Immerge oneself in the Sea/Ocean of the Lord (Go back to the text.)
[3] The Master gives us this lesson, in the Parable of the Shepherd and his bag. Also see at the Glossary: Path of the Mountain Montaña (Go back to the text.)
[4] Our concept of «sin» is different, from that of the Father, and from the Master. For them, it is to have ignored the Father’s request, of not eating the «fruit of knowledge». And that disobedience, took us where we are today −in the good, and evil. −Where One listens to the lie, to the deception… to the evil of the world− One must stop listening and ignoring them. One must listen to the Master, that lives within (Go back to the text.)
[5] These are Spiritual practices (Go back to the text.)
[6] When One is aware of one’s Spirituality, and One knows and accepts that God’s Will, is to take that palm of His – as his children (Go back to the text.)
[7] Strong words, especially for interpretation of a mind, of dust of the ground. Probably the most well-known example is from Apostle Paul of Tarsis -a roman jew, to whom jewish authorities asked him to eliminate the Christians. He chased them with great determination, leading many of them, to death. Until the Father -in the middle of the desert, being Paul alone- asked him: «Sául, Sául, why persecutes thru Me?» [The Acts 22:7] leaving him blind, but with instructions to go to the next town; and look for Ananias, who would cure him. Sául is then, converted into Christianity, calling himself Paul; and taking the Jesus’s Doctrine to the gentiles (non-jews). He is the author of «The Acts», and of various epistles more, of the new testament. Also, St. Cyprian broadly illustrates these words of the Master -that being difficult for interpretations- One considers oneself, small to decypher; and therefore, One only takes the palm of the Lord, in free will -as in the case of Sául and Cyprian (Go back to the text.)