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#3 – The bond of Faith: to lead the sheep, through paths of Light. The Three paths

[180225] – Tired you are of walking and walking, on the face of the Earth,
and not finding your Truth; not finding yourself.
Many of you mourn – you do not find the reason for things; the manifestation of God’s Will.
do not comprehend, why the teaching; the reason of your Truth;
the reason of your matter; of your flesh and mind.
Many of you do not find the «just»[1] path for yourself; because you do not look for it,
where it is, and where you can find it. However, there is something that does not allow you
to see, nor feel it; something that changes things… that distorts the Truth:
a veil that is covered by death, pain, and weeping.
Something that does not allow you to Know Yourself ; Be Yourself .
This fifth key[2] that I give you, will make the difference, for you .

PARABOLE OF THE POTTER – A potter with a very special and beautiful clay, makes a unique
clay figure, full of the beauty that emerges from his heart. He gives it a unique consistency;
he paints it with the most beautiful color. Hence, this piece for Him, is Unique, since it was
made with all his Love –and because that piece asked to be made that way.
Your Father is the potter; and you are that clay that «is formed» in the Eternal creation;
but, it is not a material clay. It is an Eternal and True energy, formed with diamonds, stars;
with all the most beautiful aromas, and colors –never seen before. That is the way
Are in truth: pure light; but, you are in a material body, that is clay.
That matter takes part, of the Essence of your Eternal Truth; and you become
Unique on Earth, as well ; because there is no other Being as you are
–occupying the same time, and space.
But, why can’t you see it? Due to the veil, of good and evil.
The material flesh and mind, are truly and certainly that veil that wraps you
in the shadows of death; and do not allow you to see the Greatness that You Are.
This key, that is called «FAITH», will allow you to set aside all that; and I give it to you, now.
In the measure of your Faith, it is the measure of what you receive.
In the measure of your trust in your God; lies the measure that opens your heart.
In the measure that you allow yourself to have FAITH; it is the measure that your door
of Truth and Light… opens your Eternal Truth
3 PATHS. – Many say: «I want to be eternally happy on Earth, and enjoy of the greatness of
this world» And, I tell you: «There is greatness in this world –it is good and evil, where
The Greatness is seen with your heart, and your inner self».
For the one who finds himself in vice or in death; he sees the world in shadows, defeat
and failure. But for the one, who is in his God, he sees the world full of Light and of Love.
Many approach God, asking for miracles and wonders. And my Father grants them.
But you are the one, that does not want to receive them; the one that gets offended.
NATURE (Path of Light). – I have told you, that the world will fight against you…
because you are not of this world. But, you must remember, that I am already inside of you .
Then, What are you missing, to manifest the Light and the bestowal of your Lord?
−To work and labor, yourselves−
Nature[3] is part of your own body and mind; and is Life and Light, for your matter.
But you pretend not to hear Me. And many times, even in your nourishment,
you corrupt your flesh and mind. And all your Nature –of dust of the ground–
turns into garbage; turns into the darkness of this world.
The world wraps you in its shadows and you , are not even aware of that.
You say: «Father, heal me», and you lie down on your bed, waiting;
but you continue feeding yourself, with misery and death.
How can your Father help you, like this? If you do not believe in Him, if there is no
Faith in you . You expect angels to come down from heavens, and carry you, alleviate you,
rejuvenate you; fill you with what your flesh and mind ask for.
Well… this world is dust of the ground, and misery. It is full of injustice
–because injustice, it is. —The Light of the world… you are—
are the wellspring that manifests the Light, to this world of shadow.
But you have turned yourself, into shadow.
The Earth is good and evil; but you take evil for your flag and standard;
and you do not take the goodness, from the Nature of the world.
ask and demand to your God and Lord, all of what your flesh wants.
What can the little animal ask for, but a temporary shelter?
I offer you the Eternal shelter; a house of Eternal Light... the return to your real home
–where the best feasts are lying on the table, for your arrival.
However, not anyone long to come; because flesh and mind, long to stay here.

THE WORLD (Path of Good and Evil). – Woe upon you ! who take the way of the world…
because death is within.
Woe upon you ! when making the false decision to say: «I follow my Lord; but in truth,
I long the world»; because then, good and evil you become, and you are held prisoner…
and continue in this world, and will always continue on it.
Take the path to your God!
BALANCE IN LIGHT – I have left you a world of Nature; take the goodness, and not the evil.
But they will say: «everything is in balance and harmony; everything must be good and evil;
balanced». Do not say: «Half of me is good; half is evil»,
because then, you turn into good, and evil.
Take the perfect Oneness –body and mind– in the Light; balance yourself in it!
The one who always gazes into darkness: death, misery, pain, war, failure –turns into
darkness. But, the one that is in the Light −balanced in that Light– gazes salvation,
goodness, Love; prosperity, richness, abundance; health, wisdom…
The one who gazes into the Light, and is in it –always aware, gazing into it–
Lives in the Light!
The 5th KEY: FAITH, TRUST AND TRUTH – to every one of you , I come to give you this Key.
But it can only be taken by your Eternal Truth; and must not be taken by your body and mind
–for they are the little lamb, you must bind[4], and carry, when becoming reluctant and
foolish to the Light. But to which you must release, when becoming my Father’s Will.
Bind them to obedience, to submission! Bind them to goodness, to Eternal Life!
This bond is called FAITH, TRUST in your God. And it is with which, you will pull
the little lamb, and show him new paths.
SHEEP -When you ask to your Lord, and expect from Him, without a doubt…
receive from Him!
There is no other will! But, do you do, what the Lord tells you? Do you listen to your
shepherd’s voice? Because stubborn and foolish you are, like that sheep that wants to go
on his own, to be torn apart by the rapacious wolf. The sheep that only wants to do,
what is dark, and says: «Lord, I have expected from you».
How many times haven’t I rescued you ? And I have told you : Live! I give you the cure,
the healing, the Life. I give you my blessing, my forgiveness.
And you receive it, and say: «How beautiful! I am cleansed and healthy; I am filled with Light
and Prosperity… » and then, you run back, to the swamp.
Not only have I spoken to you , through this matter[5], through this cathedra; but also spoken
and cried out onto your heart… every day; but you do not listen,
because you follow the rapacious wolf; because you go towards the swamp,
thinking that you will find better pastures there…
keep on feeding yourself , with filthiness; with garbage that sickens your flesh and
your mind. You come to the cathedra of your Lord, and again you say:
«Lord, you do not listen to me; you do not attend to me».
And how many times, I have to tell you that it is not my will?
How many times I have to tell you , not to walk through the shadows of death?
Stubborn and foolish, because you do not want to come out of the sludge, and the mud …
and that sludge and mud do not make you a lamb; but a pig.
Tell the Lamb: «what you are looking for, only death and misery is; deception and treason.
are not a pig… you are a lamb. Balance yourself ; harmonize yourself on the side
of the Light. Do not mind your flesh, and your mind».
WISDOM. – I come to tremble your flesh and your mind, like the Shepherd that cleanses the
lamb. But by not being able to remove that mud, and that sludge –taking blades–
cuts all the wool of the lamb; and leaves the lamb without wool.
The lamb then, feels unprotected, helpless; because he feels
being touched, by «the open air».
—And so, you are today… indeed—
Here is the Wisdom. Live it now: it is bitter and cruel for instants; but it is a Wisdom
earned with effort, with labor, with battle and with pain.
Because you do not know, how much pain there is behind, of this «conveyance» to you .
Your flesh and mind have a tremendous potential, on the face of the Earth;
but they are only a small coarse reflection of your Eternal Truth.
It is like, what I have told you: « you reach the crystal clear waters; see your reflection, and
you think, you are there –inside… when it is only your reflection».
But when you decide to take, enter, and drink those waters –to your heart’s content;
you truly are part of the Light… and in the Light you live!
A sage man who does it, realizes that Wisdom is everything; but it is only a small gift of my
Father. And he merges his Wisdom, with the Greatness of my Father; and turns into
a being of beauty and of Eternal Knowledge.
Be aware that among you , is The Spirit of Wisdom . It is with you,the Spirit of Knowledge…
talking to the crowds (do not mix the cathedras with one another, because in truth and certainly, in many
temples, they don’t know nor what they do, nor what they say).
Many of your brothers, lost they are. But you are drinking from the waters of Eternal Life…
of the Spirit of Knowledge.
From this grand library of peace and goodness, of Light, and of Life.
THE STRAY SHEEP –Take from these waters; take the grand key of Faith, for you to believe
in yourself . So that every time you raise your prayer to my Father, you know that
your Eternal Truth, is speaking.
When your matter is the one that does it; you pray many times, to the God of the lie,
of the deception, and of this material world. But your flesh and mind deny it, and want to
root and hold onto that darkness, that lies to you; because it is easier to believe in the lie,
than in the Truth. And many of you will follow that stray sheep, that leads you, to uneven
ground, and dark and hidden rough paths. And you will say: «it is because, I can not help it…
someday, I will». How many died, in this hope? because they were never willing to change.
They did not have the fourth key, that your Father has given you
to each and every one of you – The Spirit of Decision.
Indeed, how many, today, without that wool that offended you , feel helpless?
But new wool will grow, full of Light and of Life –if you walk, towards the side of the Light.
Believe in yourselves ! Believe in your temple!
Believe in your school, in the Cathedra of your Lord! This grand key, grants you the power.
Take into consideration that «the Decision» is made by you , and no one else.
Do not blame your God, for being in the sludge, in the mud; for being sick and helpless.
I have told you that nothing is perfect, and that darkness will be there to attack you ,
demean you , deceive you , stray you , sicken you…not letting you comply my Will
–that yours is– because your God, imposes not.
And if I tell you «it is my Will», it is because I am the Light, the Truth, and the Life;
and that Greatness, is in you . But you listen, nor to your Light, nor to your Truth, nor to your
Life! You do not listen to me… because the omnipotence is present in each of you .
Because you want to manifest, what your flesh and mind ask for; which is good and evil.
Ask to manifest the Greatness of God; but not for the aggrandizement of this world,
of dust of the ground, of this darkness; but for aggrandizement of your Eternal Truth.
The door for that, is Humbleness… and to do so, is your Faith.
Your Faith –tremendously blind for that matter– Do not see flesh, do not feel body;
and do not guide yourself with the eyes, and sensibility of your flesh; nor with the eyes
of your mind. Because they do not see, nor feel, nor perceive, nor know anything
about your God… but feel the bond of Faith.
For you , Spirit and Soul, is a door; for you, flesh and mind, is a bond of Light
–it is a «just bond», that I have given to you , this blessed day of grace; for you to know.
THE MEASURE OF YOUR FAITH – In your prayer, set aside your flesh and mind;
pull the bond –and feel it quietly, beside you, listening. Because this land[6], is submissive
and obedient to your God. But if you take it through darkness; the darkness makes it rebel;
dirties its wool; rots its entrails. It is your decision, in free will.
Everything that is Nature, is a knowledge; your body and mind as well.
Your Faith in your God, delivers you , from those who do evil.
« In the measure of your Faith, is your salvation». « In the measure of your Faith, lies
your healing; lies your self-giving… your Truth and manifestation are within it»
The measure of your Faith… silences the lamb. Teach the sheep! With that bond,
pull him through the good, and true paths of Light.
CATHEDRAS – When you come to your cathedra, come with your Soul and heart;
come in Spirit and in Truth. When I have told you «close your pupils», is to the sheep
– put it there, on one side. And you blessed and Eternal Soul of my Father, listen to
the daily prayer; listen to your Father, God and Lord’s coveyance.
Listen to the grand Cathedra of the Truth, that is your Eternal Truth.
MATERIAL KNOWLEDGE. – Many will say: «God is in this book; in this mountain;
up above in the skies». And I will tell you: I am within you.
Haven’t you felt me, nor perceived me?
There are instants in which your flesh, will be so filthy; your sheep so full of mud…
that you can not listen to me; because you are wrapped in it.
Then, set it aside, and you will know that your God, is with you .

ROOTLESSNESS – Many times, you are only one step away to transcend; but you do not
do it, because you believe more, in the shadows of the world. For this reason, I root you out
from this earthly world; for your Soul to Live for you , and for this entire world.
For you to manifest the Greatness of the Spirit of the Father… that is in you .
Believe in your God; because nothing you will take from this world –not even the air.
Why do you believe in it? (in the world) Why do you take root in it?
Be great in Spirit and in Truth; do the things with that Spirit, with that Faith of my Father
–not to fulfill the whims of the sheep, that wants to jump into the ravine.
No!, no! Pull him towards your Lord. Have Faith in what you do. Put all your faith…
in all of what you live. Having Faith… is to Be God. It is to be only One with my Father.
Having Faith… is to manifest yourself ; and leave the sheep, be sheep.
Having Faith… is to Be Your self ! Live Your Self !
No one Lives, and no one reaches my Father, but through the Son.

[1] «Just» as in Justice. It does not refer to «exact» or any measure. «Just» is the one that is balanced, harmonious, where his inner self does not change (Go back to the text.)
[2] In previous lessons, the Master has been giving us «the codes, or keys» to reach the path, that finally leads us to our celestial home. We will let them know in the near future; though we enlist them: 1) Know Yourself; 2) Be Yourself; 3) Truth over reason; 4) Spirit of Decision (Go back to the text.)
[3] See «Nature» at the Glossary (Go back to the text.)
[4] One way in which the Master has represented to us the Faith, is like a cord, with which one binds the sheep. And so, Faith leads our Soul to paths of Light. One can say that Faith, «binds» the unbeliever, that is unable to see his Eternal reality – that Spirit, it is (Go back to the text.)
[5] The person’s matter, that channels the teaching (Go back to the text.)
[6] To remember that sometimes, the Master calls the body and mind: land (Go back to the text.)