#6 – You are an Individual and Collective Being; there is not even one atom of darkness within you. Do not fall into its deception; take the path of the Right
[180415] – MANIFESTATION OF THE SON OF GOD. – You were seeded on the
face of the
Earth, and cultivated with Love ; you have grown and
borne flowers and fruits.
Thus, today you have approached to your God… hurt, depressed
for what you have suffered, in this world.
You seek the breath of Life, outside of you… when within you
, it lies!
If you do not let the joy, the happiness, the peace and all that
come out of you … you will never have it.
You are the wellspring of life ; but you do not
yourself to sprout water of Life
and of Light; and you want that others take you, that water of
when you are a wellspring of it!
You are the one that gives joy to the world; you
the Being –the wellspring–
from which water of life, sprouts.
The world does not know the goodness or the peace; if it is not
through you !
The world knows not, the joy and the happiness, if it is not
through your heart, Son of God!
Each one of you is an «INDIVIDUAL» BEING. Each one walks
through a different path
–although you all go, together.
In the end, each one, separately, will have to face the pace of
life, of death.
The moment of Decision : of taking the right path, or the wrong
–is your free will.
If you take the incorrect one, you will suffer; because when you
decided to take the fruit of
the good and evil knowledge –you
decided to have this knowledge.
And you are revested of it: your flesh and mind; and also, the
universe you know.
You can not escape from it… until you Know Yourself. Because,
you ,
is the true path, to go back to the Father.
ETs. –Many of your brothers think about the stars and other
other humanities, other
creatures. But all of them, are the same
you: they all seek to evolve.
Some have found the path to go out, from this system of things;
you have it
in front of you. Today you approach to listen to the word of
God and Lord.
MY FATHER IS JUSTICE, forgiveness, mercy. The Father’s justice,
to Be just;
Be perfect. It is the Oneness of all His powers, in pure Love.
Imagine a perfect life, in Light ; with a perfect Father, in
with a perfect brotherhood, in Light!
But then, you decide to take of that fruit; and you come to this
system of things.
And your mind and your body, start to think/feel good and evil.
in all the others,
the same: forming ideas, beliefs, religions. Thus, they hinder,
And by being in confusion, they start to create SINS and curses.
I have told you: « You remain in sin , because
are eating of the fruit of good and evil
−forbidden by my Father». Also, I tell you: «if you ate
it, you would surely die».
DEATH. – And that is what you do: you are born, and die –over
over, again.
Because you are in this imperfect world –which is not spirit,
−Evil is not eternal; it destroys itself−
Whereas the Light –as it is Creation– it builds and creates
it is Eternal.
In your evolution –in your path– you are alone, the one
faces all darkness, in
appearance. But in this « you are
alone »… the presence of your God, is.
Therefore, everything that belongs to God… is within you.
Bear in mind, that it is an individual test –something
you must face, alone!
It is a road, where there is no other path… than yours.
And at this moment of Decision, is where you –in free
make the Decision of walking
towards Eternity ; or go back over
over again, to this face on Earth.
It is a difficult step, for the blessed bodies −you would like,
be immortal.
That is to say: that you would like to live eternally here. But,
have told you,
that it would be like being in suffering, eternally.
but at the same time,
you are collective . Individual in some things: the thing
you have to face.
But once you face them, you realize that you are collective…
that God and the angels, are with you!
Darkness makes you feel, that you are alone, on Earth; while God
to make you contemplate, that you are always accompanied
the Light.
And that within you… is like being all! So,How can you
over, feeling alone?
−Knowing that your Lord, is not away from you , not even
SIN AND FORGIVENESS. – You have made mistakes, but, who of you
You have fallen into sin… and, weren’t you already in sin?
It is like saying: «you are condemned to life sentence; but
as you have looked at all
that, or you have blasphemed; or you
done many things today, and tomorrow…
Now I add to your sentence, fifty years, longer».
There is no more sin, that the one you allow, to be with you.
And there is no sinner, but that one, who accepts the sin.
Many of you say: «it is because I have, convictions and
from other lives».
Although, I have told you that I forgive you, for everything you
have done –in the times and
ages; in past lives, and in this
−Not for a single day, but for all Eternity−
And there –is precisely– where you carry the weight, of many
Consider that my Father, sees in the times and ages: what you
are, and will be;
what you will do, and what you will not do in your free will…
forgives you!
Don’t you realize, that it is a deception of darkness, of the
master of lie?
Should your Master have to come down every day of your life, to
tell you:
I love you, and I forgive you?
And still in this nonsense, you will say, in the last of your
«Lord… but I did many things». I tell you: «Do not
that is to say: stop walking through paths of darkness.
JESUS. – Don’t you know, that I am the witness of your life!
That I
am the Spirit of the Truth!
−Call it sincerity, honesty− I am, the Spirit of the Light; I am
the Spirit, of the True Life.
When you have felt goodness, or sincerity in you… there, I have
been, with you.
with you.
The One who has created you , with so much Love,
would not leave you alone, in this world; because then, you
truly stray.
Come… walk towards to the True Life!
−When you truly live with your Light; honestly… in this Light,
live your Life!
The one who takes drugs, the one who curses, who kills… is he
And I ask you: For whom, are you alive? For darkness?
good, and evil?
−To live for darkness, is to do pure evil. To live for the good
evil, it is how you have
been living: good deeds, bad deeds. Doing nothing, to approach
your God, or darkness.
Many times, you have taken from the knowledge of good and evil,
this world.
You know evil. Now, I invite you , to take from the
knowledge of the good…
—Because that good is what You Are ! Because within you,
there is not a single atom of darkness—
THE 3 PATHS/SON OF GOD. – You know within you, what is good, and
what is wrong;
because you have the Spirit of my Father, within you
Because you well know, when you do something bad ; as when you
something good.
And you know, when you do something, that you do
not know… if it is good, or bad.
This is good and evil; this is this world: not knowing, what
you do. For this reason, I compare
you with a cane, with
which you go walking and tripping… at a slow pace.
But when you do the things with your Love, with your Light, with
your Truth
–although the world may not seem to like it, nor to others– you
doing what
you have to do: Walking by the path of your Light, of your
Through the path of your God, and Lord !
If there is a big problem, but you feel the peace in you, you go
through the right path.
If you feel anguish and desperation within; you are
with your God.
It is not the right path!
It is difficult to remain in the Light… because you do not
it… you do not do it!
I have told you: « the one who does not do it; nor knows, nor
understand it».
Those who accuse you, and tell you: «you are the worst; you
have sinned
and made faults; you are in mortal sin» –Who has given
that authority?
The books –that I have told you– are like heavy stones, that you
carry in a bag.
And do not let you enter into God’s path;
because you only go round, and round the mountain.
Who has pointed at you, what sin is? Who the sinner, is?
The world, the church? The men, who have formed the church?
−I left you examples in my stay on Earth; and nothing of that,
I teach you−
You are –men and women of the world; the ones, who make sins;
and sinners to men… to yourselves.
And you tie up and enchain yourself, in an endless suffering and
because you give strength to darkness –for it to tie
, enchain you ,
judge you , and condemn you !
And you accept, that sentence, and condemnation!
You come suffering, from other lives… and carry with other
When I have forgiven you here! In the times, and ages.
In all the Eternity, I have forgiven you , and blessed
you …
And, you can not accept that blessing? For that reason,
continue in that condemnation,
in that sentence. And darkness
you: Aah! Today, you deserve hell.
And I tell you : isn’t your life for instants, like that?
Because materially speaking, you also suffer those hells; since
want, and long,
being enchained; being in that suffering…
When your God, hasn’t given it, to you! … but darkness has.
It will accuse you… even for breathing; it will accuse you
for the smallest thing, it could find…And if it finds not;
then, from what it can not find, because it is like that.
It will make it up; or creates fantasies, in your dreams…
and deceives you, in dreams; also in vigil.
You are a prince of God, that has come to overcome
break it;
but it has you submitted, as the last, of its slaves.
It has tied you up, and enchained you in this
–in this pestilential sludge of misery;
of fear, of tremor… because you feel guilty, and you feel, you
deserve it.
–Listen carefully, what it has done, upon you .
Therefore, you do not receive anything from God; because you
feel unjust, unworthy.
You must wake up and know that you are a FREE BEING. – you
are a Being that deserves the
dignity of living; of Being,
growing. To make yourself, with the freedom of Being the
Greatness that you want to « Be», in your heart.
Leave those ties; stop coming back to those shackles, and put
on again…
because you are not used to, being free.
The flesh and the mind –even them– enslave you and enchain you.
Break those shackles!
I give you the strength of the Truth, of the Life. Break those
bonds to death.
Get away from it! Because I am Eternal Life. I am water of
that come to you.
And, I am among you, and have always been, among you.
And today, you come to this table to receive the feast of the
Life. To receive the bread
that is my body as well; to
to stop being the slave, the beggar.
My will, is the will of yours, little ones; because my Father
not force you to do anything.
You are the One who takes the path you want; and the One who
decides to believe
in my words… or continue believing in you, believing in
It is the time to change, little blessed ones!
When you take the paths of darkness, you suffer and weep –you
taken a path, in which
where you were deceived; where darkness
of you, what it wanted:
immerge you in misery, in poverty, in sickness, in
in vice, in desperation.
And not only you, but to all of your own – because you are
individual, to choose,
to take the path; but when you get to the path, then you are
And so, your actions affect your brothers and fellow beings: the
ones that are close to you;
the ones that love you, and care for you —your positive actions,
also affect, upon them—
Remember that I have told you: «everything is duality in this
world, in this universe:
man and woman; day and night; good and evil; black and
But your flesh, is in the middle of these things: nor black, nor
You make the Decision to take the free will, and start forming
flesh and mind, in Light.
–And as you can not be born like this;
your Soul must grab the reins, of your flesh and mind.
That is : the pure feelings of Love and Light, govern mind and
Then, you will know, from within, what you are doing.
Go through the path of Light! Even, if it is imperfect for
THE LAW OF CAUSE, AND EFFECT is generated by your acts and dees;
The Earth itself.
The world and universe, are wrapped in this Law; for this reason
they can exist.
No one can create «cause» without an «effect»,
your God.
Then, when you allow that my Father’s Will, is done in you, what
is that the cause and the effect, will come to be… always
–since my Father is beyond that cause, and effect.
When you do the things with your heart, and with your Truth, you
allow that your Soul
and your Spirit, govern the flesh and mind. But if your flesh
mind want to do the things,
at their will –it will always be negative and positive /
and negative.
If you allow that evil does it, it will always be negative.
All of you, blessed ones, are subject to these Laws.
When you learn to do the things with your heart, with your Soul;
the things will be done according to your Lord. My Father’s
will be done in you;
in the others; in those ones; and in the ones of yours.
It will be truly and certainly, a Law that has a cause of Light…
and an effect of Light.
And thus: dominating your flesh through the Soul –the Spirit, it
quite a challenge;
an apprenticeship for all. But these are the bases of yours.
You will not be perfect, but you will do, God’s Will.
TO JUDGE YOURSELF AND OTHERS. –Do not judge yourself anymore,
yourself; and much less, others.
Who has told you; that you get to judge, the son of God?
Nowadays, you can say: «Dear Father, I love you. I know you have
come to this world
to give yourself in… for me to be free».
But you continue doing it, blessed humanity –because when you
accuse yourself,
you are accusing the son of God –given that, You are the
son of God.
You are a star in the skies, prisoner here. And you have
not been able to transcend,
because you have not believed in your God… you have believed in
Be free little blessed ones; judge not, because you are judging
Father’s creation
−that You are . You are the son of God; you
One with Me, and I am One with you .
Stop beating yourself up! Accept that your flesh and mind, are
That you will make more mistakes still; that you will fail, many
—It is only a challenge, an instant of decision-making—
And if you fall… rise up and keep on going!
Always take the path of Light; always take the path of your
–the one of Truth, and of Eternal Life… because you deserve it!
Because I am always with you; because you are the Creation of my
THE RIGHT PATH. –Stop taking the paths of darkness, and only
the paths of Light.
To your right −I have told you− you will find the path of
Life, at your right and
upwards , without
any door of death, not even approaching to any of them.
When everything comes upon you –the end– you will find the path
your right .
Follow it… with pure Faith. Do not listen to your flesh, nor to
your mind.
Believe in your God! Go ahead… and there, at some steps –perhaps
because you do not see anything– your Faith, will hold you up.
…And then, you will find the path, of Eternal Life!
In there, I will descend to receive you , with my angels,
take you
to the paths of The Eternal Truth.
Do not turn, not even to your left ; nor see those deceptions
–everything is deception, and lie. This is the end… but I tell
−it has always been like this−
Do not walk through paths, that do not correspond to you
do not walk through
the valley of death. Your God is not death; but Eternal Life.
What I have told you with respect to this life: Have you fallen?
Raise, and continue the path to your RIGHT ; continue on
path of Light.
Follow everything, that is Light!
Your flesh, and the world tells you, that you do not deserve it;
but, they are not the ones, to tell you.
And if darkness says : not to do it; because if you do, it will
tear you apart…
Anyway, it is already, doing it. Or, it can be, that you,
–your mind–
tells you that «you do not deserve it».
I tell you: Son of God, my Father’s son, star of the skies –they
are not the ones to tell you,
creature of my Eternal Father–that
you do not deserve it.
Because God Father, Son and Holy Spirit tell you:
« You deserve it. You are One with Me; you
are Eternal and True.
You deserve Eternal Life; the grace of God… in all forms.
Raise from those abysses and walk. You are worthy of freedom;
are not son of slavery,
or death. You deserve health, wisdom,
peace; and all of that
that is good, and that is of God».
Stop feeling sorry for what happened. TODAY, your life starts,
Today, you start again. Always Today – an
Eternal present, an Eternal in my Father.
Stop looking to your left, to what is darkness and murky. To
what you do not understand…
Stop looking at it! Put it aside… with your FAITH!
I have told you, that your Faith –is the power of your Spirit,
you to put aside
your flesh and mind. Your Faith always first, putting flesh and
mind, aside.
They do not believe; they are soil.
They do not get, to give an opinion, nor get to say.
You are –son of God, the Greatness of my Father– the One who has
the path of Light: the good, the true, the honest; everything
is prosperity, Love,
health, wisdom. Always, everything that is from God.
Do not be drawn. Your flesh is only a cane, with which you
yourself to walk;
while your Soul on Earth, falling and raising is.
You are the SPECTER OF POWER. Raise the Specter of God!
go ahead.
You are the One who decides, to take the Specter of your Truth,
of your God;
or continue suffering, and believing in the darkness of this
Take the Specter of your God, of yourself… and when that road is
your way
−when that road gets, in front of you− you are the One
will decide, the road to take.
I have told you : to your right, to the Light .
You have come to this world to manifest yourself; to manifest
–not for being humiliated; not for being sunk in the mud.
You have come to « Be» the Greatness that You
because you are the son of my Father.
Raise your head with dignity! and even when you feel the
of all,
feel yourself in the Greatness, that is within you. Because your
God, is with you!
Be conscious of it, and use it, as the Specter of Power and
to tell to your flesh: «Wait and await; calmed down, look into
since I am your guide, and your shepherd. I am the son of God.
« You are the command, you are the shepherd,
you are the guide; you are the master
of this flesh, and of this mind!
Not the other way around, blessed ones.