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#2 – Your Mastery: The Unique Power of the Father, to manifest himself on Earth; and oneself, Be the Master who has made oneself

[180128] – Each of you has fought, and worked on the face of the Earth, to be present today,
before your Master –before this Portal, the Father has established on Earth[1],
and that opens… because you are creation and beauty of the Lord,
forged in a crucible of Love and Light.
–There is no darkness in you; you are my Father’s legitimate children;
you are presence of God on Earth… but many times you forget.
The PETERS, BROTHERHOOD. – Peters –wayfarers and travelers, Peters of other shires.
Blessed Peters who are Portals of humanity itself –but you , yourself do not know it.
Through you , the word of your Lord, is given to all humanity –to all your brothers
and fellow beings. Indeed, to those of your brothers –so United in the Light, and so distant,
because of the world itself. Since it has made you enemies and opponents,
on the face of Earth. And you keep on giving weapons to the enemies;
and keep on raising up against your brother and fellow being –not knowing, that he is
a Greatness of my Father! However, darkness of the world, does not let you see, nor feel it;
because it is seen through your flesh and mind; and those are NOT appropriate instruments
to see the Light, and the Greatness that is «hidden» inside your brother and fellow being.
HIDING YOUR LIGHT, IS STRENGTHENING DARKNESS. – And I say, «hidden» because you,
being Light –a luminous torch of God– have taken shelter in the nook of your house,
your cave, your cavern. Many times, you have truly made, of your material body and mind
–not only a house… but a cave. And sometimes a cavern, so big –that you do not find the
Light that You Are– because that, has been decreed by darkness. And you have given it,
the strength, and the power to manifest itself in your life: with bitterness, fear, tremor;
abandonment of yourself; loneliness, misery, death, disease, vice.
It makes you believe that the Light is weak –something to be ashamed of
(such as: humbleness, simplicity, nobleness, innocence, goodness).
And that such Greatness –the Light that you are– is not worthy of manifesting itself,
on the face of the Earth… to the extent of hiding it, for no one to see it.
have believed in darkness; and in that belief, you have made it big
–when the Greatness of yours, is the one that comes from my Father.
can not see the star that your BROTHER AND FELLOW BEING is, because you see him
with an inadequate instrument. Get rid of those curtains of darkness; of that antagonism
that has done to you, so much harm… and embrace your brother and fellow being.
Hug him with all your Love, with all your Faith, with all your confidence; for that brother of
yours, to remove the curtains of darkness; and could come out of the cavern
–where he himself, has chosen to be.
You are not a Being separated from others, you are only One, in truth!
ONLY ONE, IN MY FATHER. The world makes you see them as enemies…
And that, is your great challenge to overcome!
I have told you, to sail against the tide of the world; do not be as it: deception, lie, falseness.
For, it is the manifestation of good and evil, it is madness; since anything you do in the world
–even if being perfect– it will not be for it. And if it is imperfect, or dark, neither will it be.
And if you become as it; you can not see them, nor understand your brothers
and fellow beings –that by Being essence of God… the One you despise, is your God.

MASTERY. – Each one of you shines with a Unique glow; although many times,
this glow can not be seen by your brothers and fellow beings –because they do not have
the heart’s preparation, to see it. Each one, has a mastery; each one is a Unique diamond,
and there is a diamond’s facet that shines with more intensity than the others.
That is your Mastery! That is the biggest Power to manifest yourself, in this world!
But you must polish all the sides of that diamond, for the glow
of your mastery to be , in all of them.
Some have gifts, faculties, virtues, powers –which in their material manifestation,
has a Power from my Father. Therefore: my Father’s glow that is in you , it is so big,
that it glimpses from all sides! –It could be that one of you, has the gift of teaching,
or of protection, virtue; richness, prosperity; health or healing.
Such a big glow comes from my Father –and that, yours is it is your presence–
and it is so powerful… that it materially, manifests itself. That glow –your mastery
in that glow– at all sides of your diamond –in the core, and in all the facets–
must be polished, for the Mastery to manifest itself. So, this will be a polished diamond
of Mastery… in your Divine Perfection; for you to be that Unique Power,
that my Father has manifested on Earth[2].
Now, that Mastery tells you as master –as Power of my Father– that your brothers have to
be taught, that Mastery. You have to show the world, the Greatness that exists
in that diamond; in that creation of my Father. You can not even imagine,
that your mastery can not be found, or not even be reflected in other brothers of yours
–those that shine with another mastery. But in many of them, opaque all the diamond is…
all their Being, and the Mastery itself; totally opaque, to the extent that it can not see
what it is, nor where it shines. It has been opaqued by darkness,
for the false belief that the world has given you, of « Your Self».
When you achieve to shine and say: «I have dexterity in this» … that is your Mastery
–only that, which is of Light. Then, that Unique Power must be reflected on your brothers,
and fellow beings! Because the Light for you, is a gift of my Father, to the world.
That is to say: your Mastery – your strength itself… from my Father, your Divine force–
must be reflected on your brothers, and fellow beings.
Do not settle for only shine and say: «I have found the Mastery of my life».
The Master must teach; now it is your turn. Manifest that teaching
to your fellow beings… for them to glow.
By reflecting your Light to your brothers, to your companions;
they will set aside the curtains of darkness in their lives: that sorrow, that shame;
all of what darkens them. And they will begin to search their glow, their Mastery;
and to polish all the diamond, that they are.
RECAPITULATION OF TEACHINGS. – I have taught you: your origins – you are a Divine Being,
and there is no darkness in you . I have taught you that: you are in this world –not by my
Father’s will, but by your free will– because you have taken from the fruit,
that my Father has forbidden you to take. I have told you, that all that belief,
that you have developed of God, is a creation of darkness –from the good and evil world,
and your mind itself… your troubled mind, by the darkness of the world.
I have told you, to sail against that tide of the world, and do not be as it is;
nor be what it preaches and deceives. I have told you, that you are a son,
and a Prince of my Father; a Star of the skies, an Aurora of the dawn.
The knowledge is within you ; Life itself is within you … the Eternal Life.
Now, I tell you: your glow is Unique –Spread it out to your brothers and fellow beings!
Teach them the mastery You Are! in all forms; with all the Power that
my Father has given you; for your realization on the face of The Earth, to be complete.
You are a portal, you are a wellspring; and all that opens with all your Faith, your Love
and your total self-giving. However, humanity itself is in darkness,
because you do not open those doors. You do not give yourself in, because you distrust
the powers, gifts and faculties of the Light. Since you can not brought you in,
with all your Being, because you say: «I am weak» No, no!
Weak is the world; but it has made you believe, that it is strong, powerful.
When you polish yourself; you make yourself, and you do my Father’s Will –that is your Will.
Because that beautiful thing, that you asked to my Father –what you love in your heart–
it is, what my Father has given you [3].
Now it is time for you , for the Greatness: THE CATHEDRA OF YOUR LIFE.
And the Cathedra of your Life, is no less than the glow of your heart. Listen!
The great master has made himself; he has shined and given his shine to others.
–That is the Cathedra of your Life: when you offer to your brothers, the knowledge,
the awakening; the Power of my Father. Hence, you are giving out the Cathedra
–the great teaching of your life, of your Truth– to your brothers and fellow beings.
–You have done your will, and my Father’s Will!
Many of my brothers are involved in wars, and in destruction; not only in this world
–in the whole universe– but also in your house, and in your family; with your brothers
and fellow beings. And not only there –in yourself! as well.
That war and that destruction, are the good and evil of the world; of a knowledge
of darkness, of deception, of lie. It is that STORM OF THE DESERT that does not let you see
your brother, and fellow being… as he is. You only open your eyes, and you feel blows in
them. You feel the dust of the desert, and want to breathe… and you can not.
do not see, nor listen; and what you listen to, is distorted in darkness:
when someone blesses you, you hear a curse. When some other praises you,
you hear an offense. Indeed, cease to do so!

Realize that you are in a world of darkness, of war; of destruction and construction.
You are in a world where only you , have the power to manifest the clarity of God .
If you do not do it, nobody will! YOU ARE THE TORCH OF MY FATHER!
How would the world know… what God is? –but through you , beloved portal.
Through you , wellspring of Life.
You say: «let the others do it, for me to feel it». But, nobody will do it; because
they all are thinking as you do; because the world has made you think like that.
Nobody can manifest the Love, but yourself.Understand it well! You are the son of God!
And you can say: «Why the others do not do it? »Because they think as you do;
and by thinking alike, they make the same mistakes, that you do.
And in this process, you allow darkness to do its work and labor: that is,
to destroy your brothers, and destroy you .
What does it really matter, that knowledge of the stars; that knowledge of antiqueness?
What does it matter, everything that is said; and not said ?…
If you do not comply; if you do not fulfill yourself; if you do not do my Father’s will
−that is your own; it matters little, your brother’s offenses.
What can all that matter? If it is indeed, dust of the ground, and nothing else.
That is what the world does: keeps you away from your Truth. Deceive you
with everything out there; for you not to approach your God, that is within you .
THE TABLE WITH THE BANQUET OF THE FATHER − Do you truly want the abundance
and the prosperity? There it is, from the table of my Father. There it is: the richness,
the bonanza, the blessedness. There it is, the brotherhood, the health, the wisdom.
There it is, all the delights of my Father. You can take them![4] But you can only enter
to the Table of my Father, through this small door called HUMBLENESS.
At this door, is the Master, washing your feet –to remove the dust of the world;
to teach you that the greatest One, is the humblest.
Listen carefully to the word: « the dust of the world», because that is the only thing
to be removed, from you . All the rest, is the son of God; is my brother, my friend[5].
And that dust from your feet, is the one that makes you feel far away, distant from
your brother and fellow being. I tell you my little one, my brother, and my friend:
«there it is… the Table waiting».
But you do not want to enter, because you are fighting out there;
because you are fencing a reason which is madness… and is, a REASON of yours.[6]
It is an impediment for you to enter, to this precinct of Truth and of Life.
What does all that matter? Indeed, you must take care of yourself, on the face of the Earth;
but do not accept in your heart, the chain, the yoke and the slavery.
Many of my little ones, walk on the face of the Earth, carrying THE STANDARD OF LIFE,
AND OF GRACE… but for the material world, they must walk, as in the material world.
When all their inner self is of my Father; and they become Justs . –I have told you that «just»
is the one that is perfect in shape; in his Being and manifestation–
Justs, because what is inside of them, does not change, nor disturbs itself[7].
Darkness will not be able to defeat you, because it is only deception. It makes you believe
that you will not be able to do anything, if you do not walk along with it.
And I tell you: « you can not do anything, because you walk with it… nothing of your Truth;
and nothing of what it can be , in your Father».
When you are one step away from getting to me –at those moments of material agony–
the Greatness of your Father is shown; and you realize what you did, and what you did not
do, for your God. You become aware of those errors, and the lies you made –for you ,
and for your God. But, they are not the errors, lies, and deceits that you think you did.
Absolutely Not! It is the fact , that you lied to yourself, and deceived yourself
… knowing the Truth in your heart[8].
You will not take anything from this earthly world, because it is soil; it is of this world.
What you harvest in Light… is what you sowed… and will take to my Father.
You ask Him, an abundance of fruits and flowers; and I tell you: Have you sowed them?
You reply: «my land is full of stones, sticks and vermins. No one can sow like this».
And I tell you: Have you worried to clean up your plot? Have you worried to get rid of
hatreds, grudges, envies and furies? What people may think, the grief, the shame?
These are the stones, that are there. I tell you: «Beautiful and healthy Earth, it is,
but you insist on leaving those stones there! And you want someone to come,
and remove them, for you! » All the Spiritual World, Myself; I am with you
–when you make the effort to remove them. But if you do not even do that; nobody can,
but you . Because we can not transgress your free will. Understand it; it is not my will,
that you walk through a valley of the shadows of death; that you keep on immersed
in this gloom of poverty, of misery, of sickness, of madness.
But you do not do anything to come out from it!
–Freedom, little blessed ones, implies, that free will… the right to choose!
FATHER OF WORK, LABOR. –Whether you remove the stone or leave it; whether you make
the effort or not. Or, darkness deceives you in laziness, in false thoughts, telling you:
«If your God loves you so much, let Him remove them». And you say: Indeed, so be it!
have taken your free will: you have decided to believe in darkness.
Your Father, is a Father of effort, battle, and labor; He is a Father, that provides
rest after work… not before; if it would be so, then, nothing would be done.
Many express that you are not happy. And, I ask you, Have you battled? Have you made an
effort to be happy? Because if you would do that; you would really be –recognizing yourself
as son of God! and seeing the darkness of the world, as a dream, and nothing else.
You take the things of the world, so seriously, that your Soul is disturbed. Take into account
that your matter is part of that dream; and when you sleep and dream – you see the dream
as something real; because your mind is immersed in that dream.
For the matter, this world is extremely real… because you are in it; the matter is part of it.
But I tell my brother, that is within: «it is only a dream, and nothing else».
Your Eternal Truth, sees only a dream… it is not your Truth, and it is only an instant[9].
What are you going to do, at that moment? Are you going to continue giving importance to
darkness? Hating your brother and fellow being, and keeping yourself away from him?...
No matter what your arguments are… is dust of the ground, it is storm of the desert,
and nothing else. The Greatness is within you , in your heart; in your Eternal Truth.
To be the best father, to be the best friend, the best student, the best companion.
To be the best… is in you , little blessed one. What do you care, what people think?
What matters, is what you do! I told you: your mission, your work is TO BE YOURSELF…
that is what you are going to respond for, before my Father.
And I have told you, that you can not get to my Father by saying: «It is because of the war, in
that part of the world; it is because the whole world is at war. My town, my nation,
my race, my creed; my family… that is the reason Father, I did not comply».
And I tell you: «I did not ask you , to do all that; it is impossible that you can do all that».
The only thing you can do: is to make yourself; to manifest yourself as the son that I made
–with Love and goodness, towards the world.
And if my Father asks you «HAVE YOU DONE MY WILL?» and you reply:
«I have done, what I have loved the most, Father. I have done your Will, because it was also
my will[10]. I wish, I would have done more…».
Then, my Father will say: «Welcome home, my son». I have been waiting for you;
because I always hue and cry for you –I, as Father of Love−
I love you and welcome you, with open arms.
You have demonstrated, when in the gloom of deception, of treason, of lie
–where you have done my will– what I forged in the skies. For all that you manifested
–even in a deceiving land: a land full of norms, laws; and mirages, deceits, treasons[11].
MATERIAL KNOWLEDGE. – The laws are certainly made by you . Some inspired in your Truth,
and some others to protect you, from good and evil; but laws created by men, after all.
Many of your books have knowledge of Truth; but I tell you, at THE SEVENTH SEAL of my
Father, all of them are fumes, dust, and nothing else. And the little they may have left you
–those which convey wisdom, and Eternal Truth– have brought you here.
Well then, leave your books here! Leave your beliefs! Leave your ties! And come to
your Lord. In Spirit and in Truth; ignore the world, and start listening to your God.
How many of you , have been walking… falling and rising again?
But in truth and certainly, today they are here! Be thankful for all that;
and bless my Father, Who is with you
Because you have arrived to the Table of the Lord! Because you have reached the seventh
door, the Seventh Seal[12] of your Father! Because you have reached your Truth…
Now, leave everything …and follow me!
Today, when you have left everything –even your clothes, and your sandals–
have found my path, and my Truth.

PARABOLE OF THE SHEPHERD AND HIS BAG. – A shepherd was walking and looking for
God. He carried a bag full of things: books, seeds. Around the mountain he hiked, but he
could not find the path of his Truth, of his God. At his journey, he ate all the food he took
with him… and at the end, he still could not find God.
He was carrying big stones in the bag, because he knew –inside of them–
the Truth of God was, and the path to find Him. He said: «the great Truth of my Father is
written here. With this, I will find the path to God». He kept on going round and round,
but could find nothing… his garments were tearing apart.
Certain day, he took out the stones from his bag, and said: «you’re useless to me,
you have just given me a burden and weight; and I can not find my God.
You’re false and deceitful». Then, he threw away the stones and the bag; disillusioned with
the deception to which he had been subjected to. −Also, he had fears, because
he felt beasts would come upon him. So, he took off his clothes, his sandals,
and left them for the beasts to devour them.
He took a step… and by taking that step… he found the path that led to God.
Hence, at that moment, he felt the presence of the Father,
leaning towards him, embracing him.
The shepherd wondered: How is it possible? I have found God, when I gave up everything?
Because all of that, was the world that he was clung into;
not letting him know my path, my Truth.
Today, when you have left everything behind –even your garments– you have found
my path, and Truth. May you be welcome to the Table of my Father, and be the son.
Be welcome to the GREAT WEDDING OF YOUR LIFE. At that moment, the Father filled him
with all the viands and garments of Light –of all that he had gained, on the face of the Earth.
MUST LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND to find the true path to your Father,
And thus, He can receive you[13]. That shepherd had absolutely nothing left; and that way,
he could find God. That is how you must be , in the Seventh Seal of my Father.
Leave everything that belongs to the world; because some shepherds, not only carry stones
–but also snakes and scorpions, and think that in that way, they will find God.
Listen carefully: «you can not enter with such a vermin there; you can not enter with any
garment. You must leave everything, to follow your Lord».
Then, He will revest you with his Eternal Truth; and then, you could take from
those delights of Light and of Eternal Life, from the Table of my Father.
Leave that «bag» of stones; of false laws, of snakes. Leave those weights, that you only use,
to rule your self on the face of the Earth… and never let you transcend.
Start BEING YOURSELF: THE SON OF GOD. Take that tremendous importance away from
your flesh, and your mind; your thoughts and ideas.They may say is madness…
but true madness, is in them!
The perfect « Being» −like my Father– is to balance all powers of Him. Be prudent, honest.
Remain quiet when you should do so; speak up, when you must –but with your heart
and Truth. And if a person is senseless, and is in madness; be prudent.
Your brother is in the storm of the desert; and you must let it pass, so he can understand
your words of Love and goodness; and he can «be reasonable» in Spirit, and in Truth.
Be just: balanced. Be harmonious: perfect in all forms.
You will say: «I can not be perfect». Your flesh and mind, not. Your inner self, can: it is Light.
—How many of your brothers would truly like, to be present at this moment? —
You were chosen by your selves ; and because you have asked for it, to my Father
–even before coming to this world– to be here, present.
Through the times, and the ages, you have battled, and worked… and today you are here!
You are not chosen, by chance. You are a Being , a brother, a companion, a friend,
a son of my Father, that has asked him… to be present today –in the times, and ages.
Manifest yourself –despite the fact that the world opposes, with its laws and rules.
Be prudent, take care of yourself, be cunning; be smart. Use everything that my Father has
given you , to be able to « be just» on the face of the Earth –Not righteous.
away from his pack. While getting lost, he had to grow apart; hunting and fighting.
He knew he had the strength and power to do it. One day, he found a cage that was
opened… and inside, a Lion cub; which he helped to come out of there.
The youngest went out wobbly. He urged him to follow him; but he noticed that the cub
was very weak, very small, and did not know how to hunt; nor do anything, of what he
knew, how to do. «How is it possible, if he is a lion? Indeed, he can really defend himself;
he has everything to do it». Then, he left him be. The lion would go hunting,
and bring something to eat, to the cub. But he could see so much weakness in him,
that he could not truly believe it. «I stayed apart from my pack, and hunted
and defended myself. And the cub can not hunt, nor defend himself», the lion said.
It certainly is; and that is the reason he grew up differently. His captors had taught him,
in a different way. He was submitted. They had hurt his flesh, and sunk his mind in slavery.
The cub could not defend himself, nor hunt; because he did not know how, nor could.
While the big Lion had learned, because he observed and lived in an environment,
that caused him to learn all of that. Your mastery will indicate you: teach him to hunt,
to be free; teach him to defend himself. And the little cub will learn.
Perhaps, in his inner self, he knows how to do many wonders: walk on the stairs,
go up and down by a rope. Do many things his captors –and submitters– taught him.
Perhaps, that is the Mastery of the cub, that some day –maybe– can teach to his brother
lion. But every one is different, due to the circumstances that this earthly world,
has given to every one.
Remember, you are only One in the freedom of my Father.
Keep on your journey, little blessed ones.

[1] The Portal is Master Jesus (Go back to the text.)
[2] Referring to «Divine Perfection»: When all the diamond’s facets start to be polished, it is done consciously, through effort and labor. So then, it goes beyond this material reality, since One is «connected» with the Divinity. Related to Be that «Unique Power»: Jesus constantly repeated us that we are «The Portals». A mastery is a «Power of the Father» laid in one of his children, and that one manifests on Earth (Go back to the text.)
[3] To remember what the Master has told us: that the Father and Himself formed us with the virtues, powers, graces, and gifts… that each of us has asked for (Go back to the text.)
[4] When it is by One’s Decision, that One lives in Light; the Light itself, would manifest in our material lives, such as Love, joy; and also abundance, prosperity, health, etc… (Go back to the text.)
[5] In other lessons, the Master has told us, that absolutely nothing –that is not only Light, belongs to us. Everything gray, obscure, that has adhered to us -spiritually and materially –in fact, is NOT part of our true essence. Then, at the door of Humbleness, He removes that «dust of the ground» (Go back to the text.)
[6] «Be Truth», is one of the keys that the Master has revealed to us, to enter and remain on the path that leads us to «transcend». He has pointed out that the Truth, surpasses the reason. The first, is part of our essence itself –the Divine; the second, comes from our imperfect mind. The reason is worldly; the Truth is a Spirit of Jesus (one of them: the Spirits of Truth, and of Life -John 14:6), a Power of the Father (one of them; to mention some others: Strength, Wisdom, Abundance, Victory… ) (Go back to the text.)
[7] It is referring to those Beings of Light, that voluntarily descended with Him –in the times, and the ages. One has called them «Saints» or «Ascended Masters» (they are also the Sage men who only searched for the well-being of humanity). And the ones who took from the fruit of knowledge, and are the humanity nowadays, have the same potential- if One harshly works on it –doing the Will of God. See «Will of God» at the glossary (Go back to the text.)
[8] Jesus tells us that He is the Light, the Truth and the Life (in His teachings of the 6th Seal). i.e. –in the deepest simple manner– that the Ones who do not have these 3 attributes, are in the good and evil, or in darkness. So, in this paragraph, He makes us become aware of the seriousness, and consequences of accommodating the falseness and lies of darkness within us. When One IS the «Truth»! Therefore, One has gone against, what One is in essence (Go back to the text.)
[9] «Instant» taking into account, that One, is an Eternal Being (Go back to the text.)
[10] Because it was what we asked for, when he created us. So, his Will, is our will (Go back to the text.)
[11] When One has done the Will of the Father, then, One could «transcend». One would have gone up, one step further, in the Scale of Perfection (Go back to the text.)
[12] See «Seventh Seal» at the glossary (Go back to the text.)
[13] That is to say, «transcend». One will not have to reincarnate again, in the System of things, of Good and Evil. A notch has been stepped up in the Scale of Perfection; and for that reason, it will not be necessary to return to the world of forms. Then, a great feast is made in the skies, because the prodigal son has returned home… and that is what the Father calls the «Great Wedding of your Life» (Go back to the text.)