Glossary A - F
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Introduction . – (170507) The Son of man[1], comes to man to free him; to
teach him that his home is not
this system of things. To teach him that
his home, is the Eternity itself. To give him the gift of salvation;
teach him the return to his home −I, your Master, come to teach you to Be
Eternal, to be in
Eternity. I come to you to teach you, the return to
your true home. −What use does it have, to study
the stars? What use
does it have, to learn from them? If the true teaching, The Eternal
Truth is within
you –the one that has no beginning, nor end. For
this reason, I have said: I am the Alpha α and the
Omega Ω.
In this Creation of good and evil, that is ephemeral and transitory –The
Verb is with you, and in you;
because truly, without Him, there would not be Life –you would not have
existence. And so, as He is in
you; at the same time, is in all the
universes, and the creations that you can see –materially speaking–
many, that you can not.
Many of these words, are confusing for your matter. You will have to
re-read them, learn them, study
them; for your flesh can open a breach
in the path, and follow the path of the Light. Because the
that I give you, will open the doors for you to move forward; for you to
find yourself; for
you to know what you are looking for… and to find,
what you look for.
(160717) So, my Spirit descends to you, to deliver you, the true and
original teaching. To deliver you,
the knowledge of your Eternal
Truth , and tell you: «You are not son of darkness; you are not son
good and evil. This is not your world, nor your home. Your home is
celestial. Your Truth is my Father;
you are son of the Highest…
that is the reason I came to you, and rescue you, to tell you this great
Truth . For you not to turn into darkness, nor good and
(160501) Close your pupil, so the material world does not distract you.
For the vanity, the selfishness,
the darkness of the world, does not
close the path… to your God and your Lord. So you can listen The
Truth of your heart. The Truth that proceeds from the
Father; The Eternal Truth that is in your fellow
beings. The
Eternal Truth that I come to communicate, to awaken even more, that
Truth that yells
within you.
Know that you are also, as a fruit. The darkness, sees the good and evil
in your body and mind, and
tells itself: «They are fruits of
mine». But you, are not dark! Although it says: «That fruit[2], will be their
doom». And yet, within that fruit… is The Eternal Truth
−that is the true seed, the luminous seed.
That seed, is your Eternal Truth ! You, are not fruit of this
world! You are fruit, of my Eternal Father!
(160424) Your Truth is Eternal; but nowadays, is time of labor
for your Soul, and for her realization
−before God and before men.
Working and laboring, for your flesh and mind, is the Faith in your God;
which is also the Faith in your Eternal Truth . You must always
remember, that you are Light… and that
there is not a single spot, a
single grain of darkness, in you. (170507) My words on the face of The
Earth, open for you, the paths and breaches, to return to your celestial
And so, you will listen to stories, and you will listen truths as well
–of many systems of the universe that
have advanced much, and that they
are sons of God, in the Light. But all of them –all of them– seek
path back home. And You, have it within you! You have it, in your Eternal
Truth !
It is the pure Light within you. The Oneness with the Father . –
(160703) Listen carefully to these words:
when your primal energy, that
is what You Are – your Eternal Truth – Unifies to the Creating
Verb[3], she
herself One with my Father’s Absolute Truth . That energy can not be
considered yours (body
and mind). It is a particle of God –with all
God’s attributes, and His Greatness. —Your Soul can not
transcend, but
through me. Nobody can reach the Father, but through the Son.
When this energy takes knowledge from this Great Truth –since it
is dazed by good and evil– wages a
struggle. It is your decision, your
free will, to say: «this is my Truth ; or this good and evil, is my
truth; or
the pure darkness, is». –And, which is your Truth? It
is everything good that lies within you, everything
beautiful. Now, be
aware that the primal energy, and that power, are already in you! At the
same time,
that is my Father the One who Unifies to you… through the
Son. And therefore, that is not you, the
one who works miracles (body
and mind). You are only an instrument of manifestation. In further
development sessions, you will have to work hard, developing your
Eternal Truth ; being this, the
beginning of a new priesthood; a
redemption before my Father, and a Unification before your
(161106) Consider that this body of yours, is only the instrument; but
within this instrument, lies a seed
of Light. And I say «seed of
Light» because that seed –your Eternity and your Eternal Truth
– in spite of
being you , has not grown. It has not even
rooted! Because that seed is kept within that land, that
believes, it is
«the eternal reality». And it is not! –The seed that you are, is kept
within that body and
mind… that you are.
(170827) I have told you, that the entire world deceives you, because it
is dust of the ground; that it is
only an instrument of manifestation of
your Soul and Spirit. –The Spirit wells up from my Father, and it
pure Light. That pure Light is within you; and it is all the prettiness and
beauty −that you have always
wanted to Be, manifest, and own.
All what is good, all what is honest, all what is true. That is the
essence of your Eternal Truth . That is your Spirit: a Light of
the Father in you, because You Are One
with the Father –although your
flesh and mind, deny it.
Similar to the Father; and portal of Him -when you work on it . –
(161204) You must eliminate all those
barriers, that you have put on
yourself. –Even in your Spiritual temples and schools, you have put great
barriers, that hinder you, to approach to your Lord. I tell you: the
human wisdom, is necessary for
humanity; the Spiritual wisdom, is
necessary for the Spirit. But the source of all Life… is only Love! And
your Eternal Father, that is pure Love, has sent Me to tell you: «that
you are his son, made in Love, and
for Love. That you are an Eternal
Truth before Him, because you are a creature formed to his image
and likeness; made with all the strenght and the power, of the Father of
All Loves».
(170910) Rejoice yourself! Because you have won, this day. Rejoice
yourself! Because this day, you have
done, what you are supposed to do.
You have worked in you; you have labored with the Spirit of your
Truth , and for that, your brothers, also have received it!
Because by being present[4], you are portals of
Light for all
your brothers. And the ones that are not present, have received the essence,
the grace of
my Father; the Spiritual cathedra, the teaching… Then,
The Eternal Truth , lies in your hearts.
I have taught, that you are an Eternal and true Spirit, made to the
image and likeness of my Father:
with all the attributes, and with all
the power of my Father. I have taught you, that that is your
Truth : that you are an Eternal Light. Do not listen to
the bars, of your prison –that is your flesh and
mind; but to your
Eternal Truth , that is within you. It is as the lion, that can come
out from that prison
[alluding to the parable, of the caged lion −in
where the cage, is the matter]; and that can free itself
from those
moments of imprisonment. May there Be then, at this moment, the locks will
be withdrawn;
so you can listen to me. So you can know, Who You Are; and
what, you have come to Be. Also, where
you, are going to. −Truly
and certainly, stop being asleep, and awake to your Eternal Truth !
You little ones, that are present –children, young people and the
elderly– and you say: «I do not have
time, to do more Lord». I
tell you, that maybe your flesh, can not do much. What can flesh do? What
can a prison, and a bar, do? If the one that works, is your Eternal
Truth . But, Be Your Self, and you will
do a lot of what you
came to Be : to be free, to Be Your Self. −Even at the very moment of
departure, if in that instant, you are able to be free… you will be
free, forever.
To Be Your Self . – (180909) Ponder: I did not send you to
fix this world; I did not send you to change
good and evil. You have
come by your free will; but in the presence, You have here… I ask you: Why
not Being Your Self? Why not being your Eternal Truth ? And I
tell you: «Be You , Eternal Truth –because
that is what
lies in your heart, and what you long for». Truly and certainly, what
you want in your heart,
what is the most beautiful –that, is what your
God and Lord wrote within you… Because you asked for
Be Your Self, wherever you are. Do not pay attention to the
others… your Truth , is yours. Have Faith,
have courage; manifest
each of the gifts that I have given you. And each power that you have asked
my Father, manifest it, in spite of all. Be joyous, be happy, be
content. Today, celebrate, Today and
always celebrate in you –in your
heart. Open the door of your Truth , and manifest the Greatness of a
son of God, on the face of The Earth. You are my beauty, you are my
Love. But, while there are rules
and human rods in your flesh and mind,
you will not be able to do it; because they are the ones that
you. Those apparent reasonings or reasons, are the one that hinder you to
transcend, and
manifest yourself. Set them aside, ignore them! And
Be Your Self.!
Unique in the Creation . – (160717) You are an Eternal Being,
Unique in the Creation… because there is
no one alike. There is not! Nor
there will be, ever. In the times and ages, each one of you, is a unique
Being; each one of you is a pearl, a precious gem, a diamond; a flower,
as there is none.
(171231) You are an Eternal and True Being; you are Unique in the
Creation. Your home is the Eternity;
your home is celestial. −You are my
son, and I love you; but your material flesh, can not understand it,
because that material body and mind, are only soil –confusion. The true
son is within that body. But
the darkness insists on pointing at the
outside; and I insist on directing you, towards your within.
There, is
my Father’s paradise; there, is your Eternal Truth ; there, is the
path, to return home. It is not
(180330) And I, in that profound Love of having formed you, as something
Unique –as a star in the
skies– manifest a Love, that you can say, it is
almighty. A pure and true Love, for you; unmatched,
unattainable for
your mind, many times. But truly and certainly, I manifest in all my Being
–in the heart
of a God, that beats in pure Love, to you– that you are
«The Pure and True Creation, of my Father».
Because that true
Creation, is the one that lies within you; not the one outside. And my Love
is with
you: without measure, without toll; without having to put
something. That is my Eternal Love! Also, by
knowing myself as One with
you; and by being with you, at every instant and moment, as Truth of
your inner self: as Eternal Truth .
(160521) Because you can hide to everyone, and keep quiet and silent;
but within you, it is –since your
childhood– your eager desire to Be
power; to Be prosperous; and to Be abundant; of sharing,
Loving, of wanting, of forgiving. −Since you are, all that positive
desire. That is your Eternal Truth , that
is what my Father wrote
in you, as a Unique diamond, that exists in the Creation –with all the
the shininess, the glow, the Unique size. Unique, as a Unique
diamond you are, each one of you.
(170827) But each one of you, is
different in one’s facets, in one’s sparkles. But, the Spirit that forms
you, is my Father’s Light –pure Light; and it is only One, in truth.
Pray, with your Eternal Truth . – (160918) Truly and
certainly, great is my Father’s rejoice for each one of
you. Know that
your God and your Lord, loves you, with a Love, not known on Earth. Maybe,
times, it will be experienced by you, along your life: when you
receive appreciation from your brother ;
when you receive a caress from
your son ; when you receive a word of Love, and of friendship. And in
that word, you will have to recognize that I am in him ; and that I am
with you. Hence, in this blessed
day of grace, gathered and congregated:
towns, brotherhoods; shepherds and representatives of
these temples,
that have attended to the call of my grace –I want to give you also, that
hug from a
brother, from a friend, from a Father.
I want to give you that gift, for you to know that I am with you –and
that you are, with me. It is my
desire to embrace my people, and blessed
them; for them to know, that their God is One with them.
For them to
know, that my Father loves them, and forgives them. And all of what you ask
for, with your
Eternal Truth , will be given –not with your head,
that only thinks good and evil– but with your Eternal
Truth .
(170312) I have told you, that the Prayer kept in your heart and in your
brain, remains there. But
the Prayer expressed with your Eternal
Truth −thought with your Eternal Truth−it is a manifestation
through that soil, that your body is.
Self-givings made from the Eternal Truth , ignoring the
adversary . – (160221) I come to teach you, your
Truth ,
so only with a single word, your Spirit works, labors and complies its
mission, in this world.
Consider that not only, is your flesh and mind… but also your heart. −My
message is that not only you,
convey your flesh and mind, since they are
dust of the ground –and remain as such. Let your Eternal
Be the one, that conveys; let your Eternal Truth Be the one who
speaks, the one who claims to
your God. But for that to happen… you have
to find yourself; you have to follow your shepherd. For
that to happen,
you have to Be One in my Father. That is how, you could claim to Him, for
the nations,
and for the towns; you could claim for your home, and your
family: for your parents, for your sons, for
your companion.
Of what use are those people, who feel, and indulge themselves with
God’s presence… if they do not
manifest Him −their Father. —You may well
have met with your God; and find youself, at peace and
calm, to convey
to the nations. So, from wherever you are, you can overcome those shadows
whisper at you ear: «that you can not» −the fear, the panic, the
madness. That whisper: «you are
wrong, you are crazy; it can not be
done, it is not possible». Instead, say: «there is nothing impossible
for my Father. And in that Faith, I find myself. I am manifesting [the
Soul] through my body, and
mind… as long as it is possible, in this
world. But I − my Eternal Truth− manifests by those small deeds;
or by those great deeds».
Honor your Father and God, through your acts and deeds–knowing that your
flesh and mind are
imperfect; and that they will never be in perfection.
−You will fall; and you will have to raise again. You
would have spoken,
and manifested your God. And although to the eyes of this world, it does not
seem right… the acts of Light, have been done. Do your Father’s Will!
Be the Master that teaches The Eternal Truth of the Father
. – (160501) When you teach to your brothers
and fellow beings by
example, through the word, through “ your Truth”– and I say
«through your
Truth», because when you speak The
Truth of your heart… you can impart my Eternal Truth .
When you speak to your brother and fellow being −with all your heart!
Maybe 2, out of 100, will
understand; or maybe, just 1. But that one, is
the one that will awake to the Eternity, to the salvation!
«Love God, above all things». – (170611) To move forward
to your God, you must not carry absolutely
anything, of what you believe
is valuable; only take the Love of God in You. « Love God, above all
things», it is the supreme commandment that is in your heart.
You have listened that your God has
said: «this is a
commandment». But you have not listened to the Son that tells you: It
is your Eternal
Truth ! – Love God, above all things , is
not a worldly reasoning; it is a Divine Truth, Eternal in you. And
taking from that Eternal Truth , to Love God, above all
things … you have found the right path −the path
that leads
to your Truth , to your reality, to your knowledge, to your Eternal
home, to your God and
(160324) Why is that, my blessed ones? Because truly, everything
wells up from Him. All Creation, all
power. Hence, it is to Him to whom
one has to Love above all things . Because everything that he has
done is Creation; and He is The Creator of yours, of your beloved ones.
Then, leave everything that
you are materially, mentally, and physically
speaking; all of what you love. –That is, only to Love the
Absolute and
Eternal Truth… that is your God. And when you truly love Him, entirely… at
that moment,
the Eternal Love is with you; because the Father is in the
Son, and the Son is in the Father. At that
moment, you are only One with
my God, and Lord. Therefore, the first commandment leads to that
great Truth : When you love your Father, above all things… you
love the Eternal Truth, and you are only
One with Him! (170611) How many
of you, in times and ages, wanted to listen to these words, from
God and Lord –but there was no preparation; and there was indeed, a great
inequality between
WHAT OPPOSES, TO YOUR ETERNAL TRUTH . – (160324) You, great men,
that have many projects in
your worldly life; you have fallen and raised
over and over again; and you will continue falling and
raising, over and
over again; until you understand that, truly and certainly, the Greatness is
in your
Lord. And that your message, your word, your action and your
deeds must be led –with all certainty of
your Love, towards your Lord…
because He is the Victor. He is the Light of the world, the Eternal Light.
He is, truly and certainly, the pure victory, and the Eternal Truth
(160731) The Light is within you; You Are the Greatness of my
Father. Therefore, when you listen to
God –with that Light– then, you
understand God… and you know that there is no measure; and you
know that
their is Truth . But for some instants, you listen to your inner
self; and for other instants,
darkness comes: the shadows of your body
and mind –the confusion– and you say: «I have this, and
the other; I
suffer this, and the other». But I tell you: learn to set aside all
that. —So you can convey
Light, and Living water, it is necessary that
the Master is with you; it is necessary that your God be with
you; and
that you are only One, with God; One with your Master… because that is the
way your
Eternal Truth is.
(170611) I tell you, you have 2 forces, tremendously antogonistic to
your Eternal Truth : 1) it is THE
DARKNESS, which is the
biggest; 2) GOOD AND EVIL –that you could see it grey –so your matter can
understand. But… you have a Light of a prince, that is within you.
Darkness deceives you. You perceive yourself as «filthy,
obscure». – (161224) You become the most
Being, because you feel filthy, and you feel away from your God –you feel
contrary to your
God. And you, as you can not see the source of your
Eternal Truth –you judge and condemn yourself,
so you let
darkness do its work and labor. And yet, it is not even you, the one that
judges and
condemns; because you are a little one that only bow your
head, and let darkness do all that. But
darkness makes believe –to your
material body and mind– that you are to blame, for all that. It makes
you believe and see that reality, as an authentic reality –when it is
not even reality, nor Eternal Truth ,
nor authentic.
Get rid of the obscure, that lies in you . – (161120) While
you keep that atom of darkness in you, and
say: «this is
valuable»; I tell you, that you will not find the source of your
Eternal Truth . When you
withdraw that, that you believe is of
great value: that darkness as small as it could be –call it envy,
laziness, any of those: misery and death. When you remove that atom of
darkness that you believe is
small –and that it is not, because that
small particle, is as the ocean of darkness itself. When you get
rid of
all that, and see what I am: that I am The Truth; when you are true and
honest with yourself, and
find that Truth and follow it… You
will be following me!
(161224) And your flesh may say: «I do not see that». But I tell
to your flesh: «Indeed, you can see that
you are soil;and you can see
that all your generations turned into soil. That, you can see,
indeed. You
know that you are not eternal, you know that you are not
perfect». And the Greatness that is within
you –even though your
body does not see it, nor look at it, nor hear it, nor feel it, at times–
truly and
certainly is present at every instant, in which you convey
Love, compassion, goodness, comprehension.
–At that instant that you
convey the embrace, at that instant that you convey your Being of Light, you
will have to be reborn to your Eternal Truth .
(160221) For that reason, I have come to this Time, to manifest myself
to you –in words, for you to
understand. And I will convey, even more,
opening minds and hearts –so the lock, shackles and
padlocks, that
darkness has put on you, can fall. And that is, nothing else, but fear,
tremor, panic,
madness. And I tell you «madness» for you to
understand the phrases: «I do not know»; «I do not
understand»; «maybe». For you to learn that –what does not
let you comprehend, nor understand, is
nothing, but madness. Set aside
all that, and say: «I am Light, I am Love, I am Truth . I am only One
my Father; He has come to rescue me, because I am his/her
son/daughter». He has come to offer
Himself to me, because the
Love of my Father, is big to me. He has come to tell me: this is your
celestial home, this is your Eternal Truth;and not this body,
and not this life; and not the darkness that
terrifies you, so much.
(160324) The Greatness is already written in your heart. But, you have
not wanted to find it. You have
not wanted to know, recognize, that
that Greatness you already Were… Are… and will Be. Meditate!
cannot Be , until you do not remove the darkness, that is in you; or
ignore it… if you, cannot
remove it. Until you do not claim to my Father
with that heart, with that Eternal fire of Truth , with that
Light that no one can remove from your heart, nor from your life:
your Eternal Truth .
Flesh and mind, obstacle for your Eternal Truth . –
(161204) The barriers of your flesh and mind have
imposed you great
walls, before yourself; before your Eternal Truth . Before that
Truth of yours… and
does not let you Be Your Self. And, not only
passes at these moments, but in all occasions of your life.
Because you
want to Be what lies in your heart, but your flesh itself –flesh and
mind– do not allow you
to. And the material world closes you up, and
tells you, that it is not possible.
(161204) Keep on grabbing the reins of your life –body and mind that
listen to me. Yet, you will not
find the peace, nor The
Truth;nor will you live, truly and certainly, your life. −Because to
Be Your Self in
Light, is living your True Life. It is living –at every
instant and moment– the life that my Father has
given to you. Leave
alone your flesh and mind, blessed Soul; and raise as the shepherd that you
are of
the matter. And when your mind asks; or does not know what to do
your body, tell them: «I am your
shepherd. I am the Light of the world.
I am a son of God. And I was formed by the essence of the
Truth . I am the son of my Father, because I am formed in that
essence. I am manifestation. You,
cannot understand; because I am
Spirit, I am your shepherd, and only One with my Father».
(161224) I have already told you that you seek The Truth … when
it is within yourselves. But your flesh
and mind, want to know and
understand that –what is from God– with that imperfect instrument to
understand God, as I have told you. Yet, you have the perfect instrument
to return to your God, and
that He be, only One with you! –Your Soul,
your Spirit.
The one that is in vice, when stopping the vice; starts having the
wisdom of one’sTruth . —And so you,
as well. When you
manage to stop being in this world of good and evil –turning and being
like it (as I
have always taught you)– and go back to your innder self,
to your Eternal Truth , to the source of Life.
Then, you start to
get a sense of who you are; you start being mature, developing what is
your Eternal
Truth . At that instant, the instrument –your
material body and mind… turns only a part of you… and
not all of
you −as it has always been. Therefore, you start to have a True Life; and
you start living in
Spirit and in Truth. You start living with your
great Eternal Truths, with those fruits of paradise, that are
Thought . – (160918) You must know that, truly and certainly, the
Thought, is part of this world, of this
land of good and evil; of this
knowledge that you wanted to take. But, this knowledge is not
perfection; and it is dust of the ground. The true knowledge is in your
God, is in your Eternal Truth .
When you only think the things,
in truth, you have given a step; but you have done nothing. The
action, movement, manifestation. How many of you, truly, live praying, and
asking to a God… with
your thoughts? And I ask you, little blessed one.
Do you think that with that thought of good and evil,
you will reach to
your Lord?
How many anguished and confused minds seek their God, day and night;
claiming and asking, with a
mind that is not capable of communication
with God –with a thought that only has the ability to do
that: thinking.
Because that thought has good and evil; it is imperfect. It is an imperfect
instrument to
communicate with your God and Lord, and to manifest
your Truth .
Spiritualized Flesh and mind . – (160501) Educate your flesh and
mind; teach them to be instrument of
manifestation; teach them all of
what they must Be . I tell you that you will not experience a perfect
virtue –body and mind– you will not be able to manifest all the
greatness that You Are. But, it is like a
torch: the torch, keeps being
a torch… but the Light, is there. The Light enlighthens; and the torch
turned only One with the Light. And so, your body as well, it will have
to Be like that torch, where the
Light is your Eternal Truth
, and the torch, is your body and mind… but burning. Now, it is only
because it enlightens itself!
Accept The Eternal Truth that lies in each one of you . –
When your Eternal Truth claims within you, and
tells you: «I am
the Light, the Truth and the Life. I love you so much, that I have
given Myself to you.
I love you so much, that I am within you, as the Faithful Witness of
your life –waiting that you accept
Me, and that you return to the source
of your Eternal Truth». (160324) Then, meditate on this: The Law
of Cause and Effect tells you that you are already saved… because my
blood is upon you, and upon
your beloved ones. –When you accept with
Love, with Innocence, with all your Faith and Love… that
suffering, that
accomplishment of My Love, that Eternal Truth that lies in you… when
you accept Me;
you accept yourself, and God, my Father, is with you.
(161224) And if you decide Today –that this day
of grace– be the
occasion; my Father will grant it, truly and certainly. Because what you
have asked
with Innocence, with Humility, with Love –is the rebirthing
of the Light, of the Truth and of the Life,
within yourself.
I have spoken these words, at the beginning; and I have told you that I
am within yourselves; and that
within that Eternal Truth … is
your Eternal Truth . Make up your mind! (170611) You must transcend
material reason, because it is only darkness of the world, it is
the grey of the world.
Be guided by your Eternal Truth . – (161204) When will
you learn, blessed humanity, to guide yourself
by the laws of your
Eternal Truth ? By the laws of your God and Lord, that are written,
in your heart.
When will you learn to Be as a child? Meek and
simple; Humble and prudent. Prudent in the Light.
When will you learn,
and return again to the original source of Life, of Grace and of Love?
Jesus is known as «The Son»; «The Son of Man»; «The Verb»; «The first, and the last»; «The Alpha and the Omega»; «The Lamb»; «The Christ»
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The body and mind
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Jesus is Oneness with the Father, has created us
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In the place, where the Cathedra, was given
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Master Jesus
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