We consider that Who We Are, is irrelevant, before the vastness to what hereby, is revealed −beeing Master Jesus, the source.

However, we will share, that we are merely a handful of united Souls, with the sole purpose to make and preserve this portal -which will thicken, over the years. This is in compliance, of a mission −that we are certain, comes from beyond this worldly life; and from this notion of time –of ours.

Who we are?

We are the ones who have decided to take a step forward, and -in consciousness-
participate, in this marvelous, evolutionary process.

We are the ones who have chosen, not to only remain watching,
and inactive.
We are, the privileged ones. We are, the chosen ones.
We are, the worthy sons of God.

We are the privileged ones, because we have listened, to the Divine call
… and have attended to It.

We are the chosen ones… because we have believed beyond,
of what our material eyes, have allow us to see
…and we have followed, our heart.

We are the worthy sons of God, because at some point of our present existence
−we opened our Soul senses− aiming to our Creator
−call Him, as it may− and told Him:

«We stand ready! We are aware, that ourselves,
are the beholders of your Light, and of your Love…
Because from them… we welled up;
and in them, we will remain, through Eternity.

We are willing to follow, the treads of Jesus

Every day, is a struggle, between our material life –from which
our body depends upon to survive– and the Spiritual path.
Sometimes we suceed; others we do not.
−This generally occurs, in this material realm−
In where both lives −both forces… coincide.

In general, this does not discourage us. We keep on the path.
Sometimes we advance, agilely; other times, slowly.
At times, we have stopped to take a breath, and continue with new spirits…
but always moving forward: at our own pace, and rythm.

We are not different from you. Surviving, is a constant struggle!
As per you, we also face critics, blows –which depending on our mood;
and in how deeply we have prayed, or meditated:
they wobble us; or, we do not even feel them, or consider them.

The stress and the moodiness, reach us constantly, and in bursts.
We have gone through injustices, mistreatments, pains, and setbacks.
We have defended ourselves, and have counterattacked;
and sometimes we have been the ones who firstly, have aggravated and hurt.
But, we have always−always− retaken the path, and hence,
perceived the joy coming from superior realms…
that invariably, comes along, with blessings.

We have gone up the mountain; and have sat
to see the dawn, from those high summits.
We have bared our feet, and have sensed the holy land,
that has blessed us with its fruits −and with the trills, of their birds.
We have listened to the symphony of the universe; we have turned our glaze
towards it… and we have seen, the signs of the skies.

We have felt the soft touch, of the celestial forces;
we have listened to their melody… and we have followed it,
to the depth of the forests ; to the calm pools of the springs;
and to the thunderous waters of the falls.
And in all those spaces… where the time seems, not to run,
we have heard Jesus’ voice… deeply, in our hearts!