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#4 – Temple and School of my Father, You are. Fill your Baskets of Love and Good Will; and your Cup of Truth and of Life. Oneness

[180330] – HOLY THURSDAY. BASKETS, CUP. – Travelers of times, and of ages,
you have come to manifest yourself in your material body, with a unique mission
and labor, that is Being what you are, were, and will be[1]. To manifest the Greatness of God,
and « Being» what my Father formed in the Eternal skies.
And yet, you have your baskets, and your cup full.
Your baskets of good intentions, and some others that are not so. Your cup filled
to the brim, with that which is of the world, and that of what You Are.

You come home with these baskets –with new good intentions, and those old intentions
that are there– and store the basket.
And those good intentions never realize, because you hide them, keep them;
and come back to this world –to this good and evil– where you are disturbed,
and you can not do what you must do, and come to « Be».
You say: «I do not understand, Father, my life is still full of bitterness.
Why is this cup full of darkness, lie, and truth? And with many good, and bad things.
And I tell you: the baskets are what you have done, and what you have not;
on the face of the Earth».
Leave everything behind. Empty them, and bring them here, for them to be filled at this
table of Light. Empty your cup: everything that you believe you know, about your God.
And enter to the table of my Father, where you will receive the true feast:
the wine that never runs out, the water that never exhausts.
UNIQUE. – You were conceived by my Father to be Eternal –Unique in the creation.
And growing in the Light you were; in that Light of Love, of grace, goodness,
joy, and happiness. In this Ocean of Eternal Light you grew, and lived forever.
When you, as humanity, decided to come to this knowledge of good and evil; my Love,
even greater for you –I gave you ! You know that I have not forgotten you ;
the Truth and the sincerity have always been in you ; and when you walk against it,
walk against yourself .
And when you do NOT manifest Light, you manifest –what you are NOT.
Hence, the pain and the bitterness are with you ; then, all of that turns into deception,
treason, lie; and you wander, fall and rise, –because you do not find your Truth.
You do not find your Light, because you do not look for it, within you .
—At these moments, remember your craddle and your birth… your Eternal Home—
Remember these words that I tell you:
Your Father is Love… because his Heart shines for you !
The Light, the Truth and the Life… is the Heart of your God. It is the essence itself,
of the Creation, that is in yourselves –not in the flesh, nor mind.
It is your Eternal Being, that many times you forget,
because you think that your flesh and mind… are You .
And that mind full of pride, of vanity; and your body full of deception, of lie and pain
–do not let you think, nor see, that You Are, a Unique and Eternal Being!
ESSENCE OF LIFE. – Listen carefully: your Eternal Father – together and only One in the Verb–
is Love; because Love is the essence itself, of Life.
That is why your Father is Eternal, because He is goodness and Love;
and He is the balance of all gifts, powers and faculties of Light.
Everything is subject to his command, and to his Divine Will.
That Father of pure Love… that one, is your God! That is your religion, your temple!
That is your Eternal Truth, that is your home.
And it is the Holy Spirit that is in you , when you remember Him; when you become as a child;
when you stop believing, in good and evil.
There is no other God than He ! And you are only One with Him –pure essence of my Father,
to whom I talk to, at this moment, and tell you:
«Indeed, stand up and take the SPECTER of your Truth, of your Eternity».
Religions and more religions, writings and more writings, rise and say about your God.
But all those writings, those words… What can they tell you?
Sometimes, contrary to Light; or confusion it is –because it is dust of the ground.
A LOOK AT THE SKY. – Truly and certainly fools you are, that walk in the desert,
wanting to see the stars of the skies; but bending your head to the ground,
to see only the sand that lies below your feet.
You walk in a desert, that leads nowhere –because you only see the sand on your feet[2]
you do not know where you go, who you are , nor what to do.
And you can not see the stars, because your glaze is seeing, the way of the Earth;
seeing what happens in it, without turning to see your Lord, that is in the skies
–not these material skies, but the true skies of the Spirit.
EXERCISE. – At these moments, rapt by the Holy Spirit, for some instants,
I take you to Eternity. Only One with my Father, each one of you .
And I, with each of you , as your friend, brother and companion.
At these instants –for a moment– humanity decides to take the knowledge of good and evil.
Then, millions and millions of thoughts, ideas; of falsehoods, lies, deceptions;
treasons… emerge. Because, the lie and deceit –the evil– is with humanity.
still remain yourself imperturbable in that Light, in that Love.
And you look to those little ones, on the face of the Earth.
They say: «Look, I have here a great book, that is the truth of God».
Some others say: «your God judges you , condemns you ; He has cursed you ;
He says that, this is sin, that is false».
, who are in my Father –for some moments you see how much lie,
and deception, there are in them.
−Now, for some instants leave the palms of my Father, and descend again to your flesh and
matter –to the instrument that God, my Father gave you – and see towards all the nations,
in the times and ages: dust of the ground, and nothing else.
See and contemplate, how much falseness, there is in humanity;
how much lie, and deception. All that brought about by this good and evil…
because, they just look at their feet.
They only look at the sand; count it and say: «this is black, and this is white».
But do not turn to the skies: do not remember where they come from, nor what they are.
They do not know, this God of perfection –that for some instants your Soul and your Spirit
could perceive– of this God that is, their Eternal Truth.
That is your home! blessed humanity, blessed brothers, companions of work and labor.
BLESSED SCHOOL OF LIGHT of a New Aubade; holy schools of my Father that raised up late,
and go on, opening their portals little by little… you are in the path of your salvation.
In it, you will find the necessary fruits to form you , as school and as temple
–every one of you – because you are temple… and school of my Father.
Not the little place, No! Your heart itself, is the temple of God.
BASKETS AND SEEDS – Then, fill your baskets… not of promises, nor of intentions;
but of Love and good will; of « Being», what You are.
Fill them with these little bread rolls, and these fruits of Light, that you will sow in you .
You will no longer hide them, in a nook of your house, but manifest them, in your daily life.
In yourself, first of all. That is to say : set up your land –your body and mind– to cultivate and
make it an orchard of Light; a wellspring of Eternal Life, so that the Truth springs from it,
towards your brothers and fellow beings.
Do not want to run to deliver the fruits, and you end up with nothing,
Neither be that one, that arrives with the baskets full, to your home; and keep them.
It is bread that rots, they are fruits that run out! No! No, eat those fruits first!
Savor them, and take enough to deliver to them, to your own people.
Sow in you , that seed; for them to sow the seed, in their hearts.
When it grows, it will bear fruit, flowers; and abundance that never exhausts…
because that tree grows, within them. It lavishes, that fruit of Love.
BLOWS TO THE TREE. – Many of you are like big trees, that by coming to listen to the
cathedra, bear fruits in abundance; and as they part away from their Lord, that tree full of
fruits is so tempting, that many come, and throw stones to that tree.
The fruit fall abundantly; they collect so much that they can not even eat it!
Then, it goes to waste. – And so, more and more arrive, and each stone that hits the tree,
throws those fruits. The tree responds delivering fruits in every blow… to every
mistreatment. Until the tree, bears no more fruits.
Then he says: «I go with my Lord, to fill me up again, with fruit».
And continues on doing this; over and over again… tirelessly.
I tell you: «Give no fruits, to those that throw you stones; to those who insult you,
who blaspheme. To those who tremble you: that fear that comes to embrace
and shake you; that dread, that anguish, desperation, uncertainty».
All that, is darkness that comes to remove the fruits that belong to God, to his sons…
to yourself, to your family, to your house.
Consider, that it is darkness, that comes with adversity, throwing stones.
And you give it to it –the fruits of the Light, the Life, and Love!
Do not be that one, that delivers that way. Keep your fruits!
Reject the uncertainty, the dread, the terror, the panic, the anguish.
They are not of your God; they are of darkness; of that cruel enemy that wants to
take away… what is for the sons of God.
And you can say: How can the tree defend itself from that?
Keeping its fruits; because they are fruits of Light.
Do not respond to darkness, with darkness. It, trying to deceive you –throwing stones–
knows that you will respond, giving those fruits of Light and of Life.
Consider that it throws to you hate ; and you throw your fruits of goodness,
of Love, and of forgiveness.
And like that, little by little, you will be filling yourself, with that –of what, it is:
the venom of darkness. Those are the stones that I tell you, your enemies throw to you .
Manifest your presence and your essence, giving Light to your brothers and fellow beings.
YOUR ENEMY. – Your brothers are not your enemies! Darkness is your enemy.
It is the one that wants, to take away your knowledge, your Eternal Truth;
enslave you on the face of the Earth, or in this universe of good and evil…
for you not to be able to trascend it.
Each of you carries much Light, and much Love; but there will be moments
that you do not feel, any of it.
Remember that your body, dust of the ground is; and it is not able –many times–
to manifest God’s Greatness.
Thereupon, shelter in me, in my Father, in the Eternal Light, that is within you .
Stand in there, embrace yourself! And you will feel my Father’s loving caress, my Love.
You will feel at that instant, in which you have been in Eternity,
in salvation, and in Eternal Life.
Teach your brothers to walk with the standard of Light and Love;
convey to them, in their hearts, with your Truth.
Manifest yourself, every day of your life –even a little bit– because your flesh is prone to
darkness, and many times the darkness hurts –without you noticing it– penetrating you ,
in ideas. –In thoughts and in negative feelings, that gnaws that fruit.

CUP. – Your cup –your knowledge[3]– pours out everything that you are NOT.
Do not keep even a drop. You have your chalice filled with bitterness, darkness, lie; and you
say: «Lord, pour (blessings) to fill it up; because I have tried it, and tastes awful, it is bitter».
They put some drops –because that is what you ask for– you drink and say:
«It is still bitter. Lord, give me more, because it does not taste sweet… as you say»;
and they put you some drops, because it fits no more.
Then you continue drinking, of your same knowledge, of your same deception;
of what the world has filled you with.
And you think that by force, that is what your cup should be, your glass.
No, Empty it out! And start again; fill it with knowledge of Truth, and of Life.
HARVEST. – You always harvest the fruit of what you sowed; because it is like that
on the face of the Earth, subject to its laws… that is how it works.
Your conveyance is not going to be perfect, as in your God.
However, make it as close to perfect as possible –in your flesh and in your mind.
If you take the soil, and throw the seed: some will bear fruit, and others won’t.
If you do not care for it: some will be wasted, and very few will be saved;
if you do not look after them, you probably won’t harvest anything.
But, if from the very beginning you take your soil, clean it –you remove all that will be
harmful for your seeding; you prepare it: open the dips and grooves, you sow carefully
those seeds, you cover them, water them, and continue caring for them. It is a whole work,
a labor, but it will lead you to have a beautiful and good harvest
–a perfect conveyance, a perfect sowing–
REDEMPTION. – I have come to you, to give myself to you; to demonstrate the great Love
that my Father, has for you .
Who of you would give your son, to save another one?
He has said in the skies: Woe! upon my sons, that will get lost, because the serpent
has already fallen, on their side;
and do not remember that my sons they are, because they are wrapped in an instrument
of dust of the ground, that do not let them see me, nor feel me.
Who of my sons, will go to them? To tell them, I claim for them… for their return;
that my arms are open for every one of them.
He asked for it –because He is not a Father who forces you .
Standing up, I said to my Father: «I will go for them! »
Then my Father, filling me with blessings, allowed me to come to you .
GOD’S WILL. – And you can say: «My father, has sent you».
I can tell you: «He has sent me, but it has been my Will».
It is one: His Will… and my earnest desire, to be with you .
Because we are One, before God; and you have lost your individuality.
You have thought that you are two, three or more; but, you are only One with my Father.
That is the Oneness that you must remember, when the world shakes you .
When you do not know what to do, remember your Oneness with my Father.
His earnest desire, is your earnest desire! His mandate, is your own mandate…
To Be yourself! −It is your personal demand to « Be». It is manifesting yourself ;
It is Being One with the Lord.

SACRIFICE, ONENESS. – And in this sacrifice[4], I Unify all my brothers that have come
behind me; to all my companions of work, of labor: faithful and loyal friends,
that have given their lives to follow me… for the great Love that we have for you .
You can say: «I am not worthy»; or you may say: «it is bestowed to this one, or that one».
No! I especially give it to you . All my sacrifice, and that of my brothers –that we all are only
One with my Father[5] –and the pain of a Father, also. Because in the times and ages,
if you could see in the skies, my Father in penitence is –if so, you can say[6].
Remember blessed scribes, blessed pens of my Father, that all word that I manifest
−materially speaking− is passed by a sieve of your flesh and mind[7].
The Alive essence of my conveyance, teaching, and cathedra, you will pass to
your brotherly humanity. You will have felt in you , the fire of the Holy Spirit ,
illuminating your word; illuminating your voice, blessed humanity.
Many will say, and judge the written words; or the words said at these moments.
But I tell you, that my word in Spirit and in Truth, is only One, with your Eternal Truth.
COMMUNION. – Now take and drink little blessed one, from this Chalice of Truth, and of
Eternal Life. Chalice of the new and Eternal Alliance, that it is truly, a promise of your God.
I have told you: «Do not promise. Try to do everything, with all your heart».
But now I tell you, in these words –because for your material bodies and minds–
the true words, are from the Soul, from the Spirit.
Take from this Chalice of Eternal Life; this Chalice of Union, of Grace and of Alliance
−that is my own blood[8]. And take this bread, that is my body.
All this suffering, and this pain… I offer for you ; for you . And not for the one
on your side, or any other. For you, little one! What you are blamed of, by darkness;
for all that it wields, in that grand balance, where good and evil, are weigh and outweigh.
So then, at these instants, I wash your flesh and blood, with my blood and my body.
I cleanse you , and I pay your debts –for you, blessed humanity:
my brother, my friend, my little one, my star, my morning star, my flower, my Peter.
− Today, you are cleansed and free forever! In the times and ages[9].
And every instant that you remember this moment, in truth and certainly,
clean you will be, forever.
Be this storm of the desert, stopped at these instants… forever;
and be the peace and calmness, in your hearts.
COMMUNITY. – Remember the perfect labor. «Do not ask others, what is not in you»,
you say. But I tell you: «every one of you , complements each other; and every one of
you , complements the others as Oneness, Grace and Alliance».
What would it be of you, if in a parcel, some of you would come and clear the land;
and others will come and plough the land, while others seed,
others water, and others care for it.
It would be all that –only One in my Father, an offering to God.
But darkness and the world, make your brother and fellow being, feel distant from you.
You may say: «If I have accomplished this, he has to achieve it, as well»;
but the other say the same, and the third one, also.
When you have to say: «I know this, then I do this for that one». And like that, all of you.
Consider that a temple and a school, do not rise with only One of you;
but only One of you , may rise with the power of God. Many of you ,
do not rise by yourselves, but with the Oneness of my Father;
and all of you, in that Oneness… form a Perfect Oneness.
And so, materially speaking, in this world, in this existence –it is a manifestation of the
Holy Spirit. It is the manifestation and the power of my Father, in Holy Spirit!
Only One, you are in my Father; and if you learn to be , and manifest it materially
−being One with the Father− you would have transcended this blessed humanity.
would have done my Will!
That is your will; because it is no longer, only One - individually.
But it is –in a collective form– only One Will, in my Father.
ONENESS, GRACE, ALLIANCE. – Remember that you are in Oneness, in Grace,
and in Alliance. Always remember it, blessed ones.
Bend your matter, that can not understand, nor believe, these words;
analize them, study them, talk about them, with your close ones.
My Holy Spirit, is with you , every day of your lives. The Holy Spirit, manifests in you ,
through Oneness; through your Faith and Alliance; and all only one Grace is, in my Lord.
Help each other, blessed ones; prosper one another. Give help and charity to
one another; uphold each other. Because you are the same, before my Father.
Lose your «individuality», and accept yourself, as only One, with God!
Learn to do it, and you will be great, in Spirit and in Truth. And you will be great on Earth,
as well… because the Perfect Oneness in my Father, is invincible for darkness!
do not exist for the darkness. You exist for My Father, God and Lord!
I have given you , the power and the hope; the Truth, and the manifestation
of your Eternal salvation… through this payment, that I make.
On this blessed day of Grace, for all and everyone of you , I have given my blood,
and my body. Take it! Because willingly and with joy… I am with you
–with much Love towards my Father, and towards you .
Here, I manifest to you, how my Father loves you ; because He is only One with Me;
because I do not lose my «individuality» with Him –I am, only One in Him!
Now, I ask you –to everyone of you, equally: Are you willing to follow me, blessed sons?
NOW AND ALWAYS, you respond.
Those who are prepared, shall be with me, on the Mount of Olives, to receive
of this Light, and of this Grace. For some instants, you shall share this bitterness –for you
to know the great pain that your Master has felt. But only for some instants, for you to
know that I love you , and that I have come to give myself in, to you … for you alone.
My Spirit is with you , little blessed one.
Until next aubade, that my Father allows me, to be with you .

[1] «Be what you were, are and will be» because One is the Being that God created, in perfection, and to his likeness. That, in this good and evil realm, One has forgotten; but that does not take away, that in Spirit, One continues being the same (Go back to the text.)
[2] When One «walks in the desert», it is because One, has not found the path that leads back, to our celestial home. And so it is, because One has not still made the «Decision» to do it. It means a lot of work, labor, effort; and to seek the spiritual over the material. For this, it says that One wants to have one’s gaze at the sky, but keep it, down below. (Go back to the text.)
[3] Inside One’s cup, it is what One thinks, believes –generally, what the world instills in us (Go back to the text.)
[4] Jesus Redemption (Go back to the text.)
[5] When Jesus decided in love and in free will, to come down, to teach and save humanity –being Him, the Heart of God, the Spirits of the powers of God, accompany him: Faith, Hope, Prosperity, etcetera. Through times and ages, they took a body to «evangelize». There are –most of the times – the saints, avatars, and masters, that every now and then, manifest themselves in the world. (Go back to the text.)
[6] It is the «Divine Pain», for the great sacrifice of Jesus (Go back to the text.)
[7] Jesus has told us, that the System of things of Good and Evil, is imperfect. Thus, his word being passed through this sieve, can be distorted. So, that in this part particularly, ask to the «pens and scribes» to have their faculties open to the Light, when transcribe and teach, his lessons. Although they are subject, to make mistakes as well (Go back to the text.)
[8] The Union, Grace and Alliance, is the representation of the priesthood. That is to say, to be a disciple of Jesus –a Master of His Doctrine: The Doctrine of the Spiritualism (Go back to the text.)
[9] t was a cathedra on Holy Thursday; where Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. But it goes beyond the meaning of showing us Humbleness. By the Law of Cause and Effect, he has given his life, for us to have the opportunity to return, to our celestial home. His sacrifice has represented, that He can instruct us; and that in time, we turn our eyes, to our Eternal Truth (Go back to the text.)